Monday, September 7, 2009

Version 310.482.10006


20090616-2165-2-29 Scheduling syncronization file (On/off module)
The production of the file used to synchronize local databases (offline mode) can be scheduled in windows scheduler

20090623-1155-2-735 GL account for credit card devices
A new resolver is available in cash documents that can be used to link credit card devices to GL.

Bug fixing
20080721-1155-1-1204 Print to Excel
When printing numeric tables (payroll module) to excel the rounding of the decimals wasn't correct

20090316-1155-1-379 Copy grid line in agreement data
When this option was used in a line with null dates, the date in the new line appeared as '30/12/1899'.

20090515-1155-1-609 Customer balance aging report
In Oracle databases the message 'FIELD FINALDATE NOT FOUND' appeared

20090616-1155-1-710 Exporting data to excel (decimal rounding)
When printing the scaling grid (agreement data) lines to excel, all numbers appeared rounded to integer.

20090626-1155-1-752 Error in Sales accounting report (Oracle)
When running on Oracle databases, an error message was displayed.

20090701-1155-1-762 Producing EAN codes of items with no UOM2
The specification functions as described below:
- If there is a UOM2 with either fixed or two-way first time relation, the quantities are calculated according to the relation
- If there is a UOM2 with non fixed relation to the UOM1, the qty2 will be 1. If there is no UOM2. then qty2 will be 0(zero).

20090707-1155-1-780 Import script of inventory documents
When importing inventory documents (through script) that their type uses [Retail price], the message [Code already exists] appeared.