Features added /
Unreadable characters in the body of the email
When sending an email via the remote server, it is automatically selected the default charset of the program.
Dimensions in producing documents
In lines of production documents are now available the dimensions that are stated in lines of the selected Bill of materials
General Ledger - Balance sheet report
The 'Balance sheet' report delayed excessively when choosing to make an analysis of customer-supplier and there were too many accounting schemas.
Retail - Gifts on totals
When there was agreement with gifts set and selected 'Recalculate' and / or 'Option Agreement' from Related jobs, then displayed additional lines of gifts.
Options in the login section in Azure
At azure environment, operate the HIDEXPLORER = 1, HIDEBAR = 1. It is sufficient to declare it in Section [Login] in Params.cfg.
Bug fixing
Agreements report
An error would appear at the Agreements report when selected rules regarding the branch of the document and the Item.
Access in items with required field
In Items View which was designed to have some mandatory fields (eg CODE2), did not allowed to enter the items card when it had been calculated cost price for it.
Transfer expenses from sales opportunity
When from a sales opportunity is posted and an offer with a sales order then the expenses are transferred also.
On Off: Create custom fields
When synchronizing offline database is not transferred the design of custom fields.
AUTOEXEC and automatic sending email
The parameter AUTOEXEC = 1 when using the command XCMD:SendEmailDlg did not work properly (requiring "send" to be executed from the operator),
Actions history in C.R.M.
The 'Action history' (related jobs) in the module of CRM, showed error: Function "GetMSSQLSubtype" not found
OnOff in azure - access to Offline database.
The introduction in the offline database after interruption of communication with the Internet had a delay and showed the error:
"Communication problem! Check your connection to the Internet and try again later.'
Dataset not in edit or insert mode
The error message 'Dataset not in edit or insert mode' appeared after the execution of a JS incorporated in a View and which updated the document lines
Printouts at windows 8 64-bit
In Windows 8 prints appeared error 'Operation not supported on selected printer'.
xdt and custom fields
When importing xdt sourced from database with custom fields-tables, created the new schema but not imported the data of the custom.
Flow scenarios in azure environment
The file transfer, stated in the job, is created always in client machine in Azure environment and Saas. In client / server, a parameter added to the dialogue, to determine if the file will be transferred to the client machine or it will stay on the server. By default is set to be transferred to the client.
Flow Scenario without view
In execution of flow scenarios, which did not show the final document on the screen, a message appeared "dataset not in insert or edit mode".
Date format in export data from index
At the export of data to excel, the dates which had also time (eg date of approval), appeared in the form 'mm / dd / yyyy' instead of 'dd / mm / yyyy'.
Error in Flow if the field is blank
Error occured during conversion when using Flow scenarios, when there was a reference field in the table and this field was empty (eg customers branch, date).
Services trial balance
An error message would appear at the report 'Services trial balance' - Access violation at address 05DFA60D in module 'Mtrl.bpl'
Printer settings and report forms
Some printers lost their settings when printing (forms printed portrait instead of landscape)
Transactions of Accounts and Bransch as filter
After selecting a branch in accounts transactions an arror would appear "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset."
Accounting Link wth Trace
When for a general ledger Link had enabled the option "Trace", had not selected the option "zero line" and the article in general ledger would create also a cost accounting article, would appear error "There is Article line field."
Cash register closing: Cash currency analysis
By selecting line relating to cash, along with the monetary analysis appeared simultaneously and message referred to a problematic Linenum.
Send email from contacts
In CRM, after sending email from the module of contacts appeared error 'Access violation'' and by repeating the operation error "A component named DialogFrm already exists'.
Purchases Cost folder with allocation at the second U.O.M.
At a detailed folder with a credit note was performed wrong allocation of expenses in the second U.O.M.
Discount credit notes calculation
The value of the document of special transactions which created the application differed from the result if the parameters 'Counter-balancing' had chosen
Accounting category at the 'Monthly inventory statement' report
If the user had chosen to filter per 'Accounting Category' an error message would appear that 'is not found multipart B.MTRACN'.
Revenue-Expense documents in printout design
At the printout design the revenue documents printed expenses documents and vice versa.
Create cash flow
During the execution of the job "Create cash-flow", the file showed a record (-1), when there were records with zero rate.
Printing agreements with paremeter the country
The error message ''Field Company not found'' would appear when executing the 'Agreements' report and existed at least one agreement based on the customer country
Activation to offline
At Azure environment an activation message appeared during establishment of the connection in offline mode.
Design Open reports
At the design of an open report with mandatory local fields, were not allowed to enter the design.
FRemQty1PerWHouse to Oracle
The function FRemQty1PerWHouse did not bring result in Oracle.
MLVATLINES: Romania Taxation Lows
The 'MLVATLINES' job is now available for the Romania Taxation Laws
Unreadable characters in the body of the email
When sending an email via the remote server, it is automatically selected the default charset of the program.
Dimensions in producing documents
In lines of production documents are now available the dimensions that are stated in lines of the selected Bill of materials
General Ledger - Balance sheet report
The 'Balance sheet' report delayed excessively when choosing to make an analysis of customer-supplier and there were too many accounting schemas.
Retail - Gifts on totals
When there was agreement with gifts set and selected 'Recalculate' and / or 'Option Agreement' from Related jobs, then displayed additional lines of gifts.
Options in the login section in Azure
At azure environment, operate the HIDEXPLORER = 1, HIDEBAR = 1. It is sufficient to declare it in Section [Login] in Params.cfg.
Bug fixing
Agreements report
An error would appear at the Agreements report when selected rules regarding the branch of the document and the Item.
Access in items with required field
In Items View which was designed to have some mandatory fields (eg CODE2), did not allowed to enter the items card when it had been calculated cost price for it.
Transfer expenses from sales opportunity
When from a sales opportunity is posted and an offer with a sales order then the expenses are transferred also.
On Off: Create custom fields
When synchronizing offline database is not transferred the design of custom fields.
AUTOEXEC and automatic sending email
The parameter AUTOEXEC = 1 when using the command XCMD:SendEmailDlg did not work properly (requiring "send" to be executed from the operator),
Actions history in C.R.M.
The 'Action history' (related jobs) in the module of CRM, showed error: Function "GetMSSQLSubtype" not found
OnOff in azure - access to Offline database.
The introduction in the offline database after interruption of communication with the Internet had a delay and showed the error:
"Communication problem! Check your connection to the Internet and try again later.'
Dataset not in edit or insert mode
The error message 'Dataset not in edit or insert mode' appeared after the execution of a JS incorporated in a View and which updated the document lines
Printouts at windows 8 64-bit
In Windows 8 prints appeared error 'Operation not supported on selected printer'.
xdt and custom fields
When importing xdt sourced from database with custom fields-tables, created the new schema but not imported the data of the custom.
Flow scenarios in azure environment
The file transfer, stated in the job, is created always in client machine in Azure environment and Saas. In client / server, a parameter added to the dialogue, to determine if the file will be transferred to the client machine or it will stay on the server. By default is set to be transferred to the client.
Flow Scenario without view
In execution of flow scenarios, which did not show the final document on the screen, a message appeared "dataset not in insert or edit mode".
Date format in export data from index
At the export of data to excel, the dates which had also time (eg date of approval), appeared in the form 'mm / dd / yyyy' instead of 'dd / mm / yyyy'.
Error in Flow if the field is blank
Error occured during conversion when using Flow scenarios, when there was a reference field in the table and this field was empty (eg customers branch, date).
Services trial balance
An error message would appear at the report 'Services trial balance' - Access violation at address 05DFA60D in module 'Mtrl.bpl'
Printer settings and report forms
Some printers lost their settings when printing (forms printed portrait instead of landscape)
Transactions of Accounts and Bransch as filter
After selecting a branch in accounts transactions an arror would appear "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset."
Accounting Link wth Trace
When for a general ledger Link had enabled the option "Trace", had not selected the option "zero line" and the article in general ledger would create also a cost accounting article, would appear error "There is Article line field."
Cash register closing: Cash currency analysis
By selecting line relating to cash, along with the monetary analysis appeared simultaneously and message referred to a problematic Linenum.
Send email from contacts
In CRM, after sending email from the module of contacts appeared error 'Access violation'' and by repeating the operation error "A component named DialogFrm already exists'.
Purchases Cost folder with allocation at the second U.O.M.
At a detailed folder with a credit note was performed wrong allocation of expenses in the second U.O.M.
Discount credit notes calculation
The value of the document of special transactions which created the application differed from the result if the parameters 'Counter-balancing' had chosen
Accounting category at the 'Monthly inventory statement' report
If the user had chosen to filter per 'Accounting Category' an error message would appear that 'is not found multipart B.MTRACN'.
Revenue-Expense documents in printout design
At the printout design the revenue documents printed expenses documents and vice versa.
Create cash flow
During the execution of the job "Create cash-flow", the file showed a record (-1), when there were records with zero rate.
Printing agreements with paremeter the country
The error message ''Field Company not found'' would appear when executing the 'Agreements' report and existed at least one agreement based on the customer country
Activation to offline
At Azure environment an activation message appeared during establishment of the connection in offline mode.
Design Open reports
At the design of an open report with mandatory local fields, were not allowed to enter the design.
FRemQty1PerWHouse to Oracle
The function FRemQty1PerWHouse did not bring result in Oracle.
MLVATLINES: Romania Taxation Lows
The 'MLVATLINES' job is now available for the Romania Taxation Laws