Features added /
Account printouts by date
A filter is added to the prinouts of accounts by period for revenues/expenses. The filter regards the date interval.
Automatic selection of printer in printouts.
A new functions is made available
ΕxecuteReport(ObjectName, ListName, Filters,file name or printer name)
Accounting opening entries for accounts in foreign currency
Accounting opening entries are now created by currency for the account transferred.
Group by VAT rate in Opening balance book.
Added the ability to group by VAT rate in Opening balance book.
Serial number card printout.
Added a new printout Serial number card.
Update line comments from set item to composition document.
A change was made so the document line comments of set items are being transferred to the composition document too.
Αddition of filter to printout Trial Balance of customers / suppliers and Detail Trial balance of customers / suppliers
Αddition of filter to printout Trial Balance of customers / suppliers and Detail Trial balance of customers / suppliers. With the selection of the filter only trading parties with transaction in the fiscal year/period or balance appear.
Detail trial balance in Azure
Improvement of the calculation time of the printout Detail trial balance in Azure.
The codes for Special Barcodes (weight) are increased to ten.
The codes for Special Barcodes (weight) are increased to ten.
Banks and SWIFT code
Added the Swift code at bank accounts
Update in comment and lines of closing documents with the folder code.
The code of Import folders is now being filled in the comment of the closing document and its lines.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of inventory and Bills of materials
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of inventory and Bills of materials
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of trading parties and cash accounts
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of trading parties and cash accounts
Negotiable instrument transactions.
A change was made for the fields Name and Address to remain active in case the holder category is third in a negotiable instrument.
Detailed trial balance by w\h
Totals of all warehouses appear now at the Detailed trial balance by w\h printout.
Depreciation calculation for fixed assets
If the calculation of depreciation for fixed assets is selected the calculation is made until the day of dale or destruction of the fixed assets as required by law and not fortnightly.
Creation of Cash flow through Soft1 tools.
Creation of Cash flow through Soft1 tools.
EAN code production --COUNTRY.EANCODE
Added a parameter to the job of alternative codes production, by which the alternative code has the first digit that is posted in COUNTRY.EANCODE located in the field country of origin in the Items file.
Loyalty - "Bonus Card report"
Added the printout "Bonus Card report"
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of projects, services, Credits / Debits.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of projects, services, Credits / Debits.
Item selection list (summary) and Quotation summary.
Improved the calculation speed of Item selection list (summary) and Quotation summary.
Change of Customer trial balance (cumul.) printout.
A change was made in Customer trial balance (cumul.) printout. When 'Detailed per property' filter is selected then a single line by VAT number is shown.
Value/cost of co-products in Production & cost book printout.
In Production & cost book printout the fields value/cost of co-products are made available.
Added a resolver in Open-design documents
Added a resolver in Open-design documents for the Creditors branches in document lines.
Improved the calculation speed of the inventory detail trial balance printout
Improved the calculation speed of the inventory detail trial balance printout
Same document lines.
In document types, in the parameter for the similar lines it has been added an extra option 'Transfer to the same'. When this value is selected, during the posting of a document line with an item that already exists on another line, it is automatically transfered to that line before the posting of quantity.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of General ledger accounts.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of General ledger accounts.
Stock ledger and warehouse cost price
If a warehouse is not included in the calculation of cost prices then at the Stock ledger printout the remaining balance will not be included in the calculation of cost prices.
Last date and value of payments for suppliers.
Added functions that return the last date and value of payments for suppliers.
Printout forms - pervious balance in trading party's currency
The field previous balance in trading party's currency is made available in printout forms.
Collection and Payment statistics.
Added two new menu items in Financial > Cash-Cash Accounts > collection statistics and payment statistics.
Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts in Project card printouts
A change was made so that in Project card printouts, transactions from 'Special transactions - Cash accounts' are being shown.
U.O.M filter in Orders per item and Orders per customer printouts
Added in printouts Orders per item and Orders per customer the filter U.O.M.
Storage book printout.
Added the columns Net value and VAT in Storage book printout.
Accounting links for depreciation of fixed assets
Accounting links in fixed assests depreciation with multiple entries are now displayed correctly from related jobs.
negotiable instruments transactions.
Added a new printout 'Maturity report' in negotiable instruments
Update sales prices from costing folders.
Added in Related jobs of the costing folders the job Update sales prices.
Calculation speed for Aggrages
A change was made, so the speed for the calculation of inventory and trading parties aggregates is improved.
Monthly inventory statement printout and cost price calculation of warehouses
If a warehouse is not included in the cost price calculation then the available balance at the Monthly inventory statement printout is not included in the balance cost calculation.
Ability to transfer not filled quantity in canceled.
A new parameter is created in Inventory which states whether the not filled amount will be transferred to QTY1 as now or to canceled.
T.R.No filter in Customer trial balance (cumul.)
In the printout Customer trial balance (cumul.) a filter is added that exempts the customers with no T.R.No. set.
Account and Account 2 in fixed assets
In Line columns of purchases in fixed assets tab the fields Account and Account 2 are activated.
Sales DashBoards
Creation of Sales DashBoards (For Fiscal year and comparative Fiscal years)
Purchases DashBoards
Creation of Purchases DashBoards (For Fiscal year and comparative Fiscal years)
Inventory DashBoards
Creation of Inventory DashBoards (For comparative Fiscal years)
Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts in Project card printouts
In project card printouts Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts now appear as expenses. Added SOSOURCE - 1453.
Bug fixing
The read only option was disappeared in views once designed a custom field in the corresponding table
The read only option was disappeared in views once designed a custom field in the corresponding table.
Decimals in MS-Excel
In the account card printout many decimals appeared if it was printed in MS-Excel.
Users and tab Customizations
During the creation of a new user an access violation message would appear if the tab Customizations was selected.
End Date and time.
when the End date was deleted the corresponding time was not automatically deleted.
Item balance per attrib.-W/h
If Code - Name was set as a title of a column at the printout 'Item balance per attrib.-W/h' the letters 'Wh' would appear as a title.
Grid and Linked fields.
During a design of a view linked fields disappear when changes were made to available grids.
User Rights.
A new user ability is implemented so the opening of a document is available by double click from the user directly from the customer card printout.
Shortage orders and Group filter.
At the execution of the job Shortage orders the filter Group did not work properly.
Fixed Assets transactions
-In a document that increased or decreased the acquisition value of fixed assets the trading party was required to be set for the accounting link of revenues/expenses entry to be posted.
Convertion of fixed assets documents.
In a convertion of a purchase document (only quantity) to a purchase document (only values) an error message would appear 'FPRMS: AUTOSPCGPS not found΄
Cost accounting
In a full copy of a company with chart of accounts the parameters of the cost accounting where not updated.
Data flow scenario.
If in a Data flow scenario displaying the final entity, which had required fields that were not filled automatically from the data flow scenario, then the data flow was canceled and an error message appear. A correction was made and the data flow continues normaly.
Expenses document in suppliers special transactions.
In Suppliers special transactions the
Expenses document did not appear in the related jobs.
Inventory balance ageing.
The job calculated the age of the inventory stock by the date of opening balance and not the date of purchase, and did not decompose by sales from inventory opening balance when there have been a purchase before the depletion of inventory opening balance.
Extra fields of items in balance per w\h printout
If in filters of balance per w\h printout a field from the extra fields of the items was brought an error message appeared.
Check dates.
Check dates did not apply when set in retail module.
The horizontal analysis of the browser no longer gives a choice between all available fields in the browser.
The horizontal analysis of the browser did not allow a choice between all available fields in the browser (eg the salesperson of the document) but made available only the cache tables of the browser.
Loyalty - cancelation of retail document with bonus card.
In cancelation by reversal of a retail document with bonus card the bonus card was not transfered in the cancelation document and the gift voucher was now canceled automatically.
Loyalty - copy from buffer
During the copy from buffer of a retail document the bonus card was not transfered.
If the job was executed more than once then a new sales document was created while the first one already existed.
Word forms with item pictures.
If the picture was deleted from an item, then the form that was selected in did not print.
Canceled and cancelation documents as unpaid.
In sales documents browser the calculated field Unpaid, showed as unpaid, the canceled and the cancellation documents.
Revenue/Expenses book printout
If in Revenue/Expenses book printout the columns number, series, trading party where selected no data would appear.
balance reflection of inactive attributes in item card printout.
Inventory item card printout reflects the balance by attribute even if an attribute is set inactive but the item has balance with this attribute.
Gift list status
When two gift lists had the same opening date and form the gift list, in client/server mode, the button Gift list status was selected, all gift lists appeared at the prinout and not only the selected one.
Insert and modify of items in another company.
If Insert and modify was selected in Inventory parameters for another company the set of the item was transfered too.
Inactive items per customer
In the printout Inactive items per customer the filters did not work properly so all the inventory items appeared.
Update accounting in Creditor remittances.
Added the field Update accounting in the browser of Creditor remittances.
match with revenues/expenses in fixed assets
Added in fixed assets documents browser and depresiation documents browser the field match with revenues/expenses
Bug on calculating values aftεr using Calculate button from Intrastat
If in sales documents an item was selected with quantity and value and the line was not changed and the Calculate button from Intrastat was used then the document would have discrepancies between lines and totals.
Synchronization of the offline database.
During the synchronization of the offline database (automatic or by the user) an error message would appear if the com port port was used by a fiscal printer.
X.PLAY In Customer Screen
In Customer Screen from the retail module if the X.PLAY function was used, when the first item was selected, a sound was heard but the screen was distorted.
Error message in Action history
In XP environment in related jobs of General actions>Action history an error message would appear 'incorrect syntax near WITH'
In transactions from related jobs of Revenues accounts only the value of the first transaction appears.
In transactions from related jobs of Revenues accounts only the value of the first transaction appears.
Wrong activation with client s/n.
In retail documents the search customer option did not appear based on serial number.
Account printouts by date
A filter is added to the prinouts of accounts by period for revenues/expenses. The filter regards the date interval.
Automatic selection of printer in printouts.
A new functions is made available
ΕxecuteReport(ObjectName, ListName, Filters,file name or printer name)
Accounting opening entries for accounts in foreign currency
Accounting opening entries are now created by currency for the account transferred.
Group by VAT rate in Opening balance book.
Added the ability to group by VAT rate in Opening balance book.
Serial number card printout.
Added a new printout Serial number card.
Update line comments from set item to composition document.
A change was made so the document line comments of set items are being transferred to the composition document too.
Αddition of filter to printout Trial Balance of customers / suppliers and Detail Trial balance of customers / suppliers
Αddition of filter to printout Trial Balance of customers / suppliers and Detail Trial balance of customers / suppliers. With the selection of the filter only trading parties with transaction in the fiscal year/period or balance appear.
Detail trial balance in Azure
Improvement of the calculation time of the printout Detail trial balance in Azure.
The codes for Special Barcodes (weight) are increased to ten.
The codes for Special Barcodes (weight) are increased to ten.
Banks and SWIFT code
Added the Swift code at bank accounts
Update in comment and lines of closing documents with the folder code.
The code of Import folders is now being filled in the comment of the closing document and its lines.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of inventory and Bills of materials
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of inventory and Bills of materials
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of trading parties and cash accounts
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of trading parties and cash accounts
Negotiable instrument transactions.
A change was made for the fields Name and Address to remain active in case the holder category is third in a negotiable instrument.
Detailed trial balance by w\h
Totals of all warehouses appear now at the Detailed trial balance by w\h printout.
Depreciation calculation for fixed assets
If the calculation of depreciation for fixed assets is selected the calculation is made until the day of dale or destruction of the fixed assets as required by law and not fortnightly.
Creation of Cash flow through Soft1 tools.
Creation of Cash flow through Soft1 tools.
EAN code production --COUNTRY.EANCODE
Added a parameter to the job of alternative codes production, by which the alternative code has the first digit that is posted in COUNTRY.EANCODE located in the field country of origin in the Items file.
Loyalty - "Bonus Card report"
Added the printout "Bonus Card report"
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of projects, services, Credits / Debits.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of projects, services, Credits / Debits.
Item selection list (summary) and Quotation summary.
Improved the calculation speed of Item selection list (summary) and Quotation summary.
Change of Customer trial balance (cumul.) printout.
A change was made in Customer trial balance (cumul.) printout. When 'Detailed per property' filter is selected then a single line by VAT number is shown.
Value/cost of co-products in Production & cost book printout.
In Production & cost book printout the fields value/cost of co-products are made available.
Added a resolver in Open-design documents
Added a resolver in Open-design documents for the Creditors branches in document lines.
Improved the calculation speed of the inventory detail trial balance printout
Improved the calculation speed of the inventory detail trial balance printout
Same document lines.
In document types, in the parameter for the similar lines it has been added an extra option 'Transfer to the same'. When this value is selected, during the posting of a document line with an item that already exists on another line, it is automatically transfered to that line before the posting of quantity.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of General ledger accounts.
Creation of diagrams and pivot tables in financial data of General ledger accounts.
Stock ledger and warehouse cost price
If a warehouse is not included in the calculation of cost prices then at the Stock ledger printout the remaining balance will not be included in the calculation of cost prices.
Last date and value of payments for suppliers.
Added functions that return the last date and value of payments for suppliers.
Printout forms - pervious balance in trading party's currency
The field previous balance in trading party's currency is made available in printout forms.
Collection and Payment statistics.
Added two new menu items in Financial > Cash-Cash Accounts > collection statistics and payment statistics.
Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts in Project card printouts
A change was made so that in Project card printouts, transactions from 'Special transactions - Cash accounts' are being shown.
U.O.M filter in Orders per item and Orders per customer printouts
Added in printouts Orders per item and Orders per customer the filter U.O.M.
Storage book printout.
Added the columns Net value and VAT in Storage book printout.
Accounting links for depreciation of fixed assets
Accounting links in fixed assests depreciation with multiple entries are now displayed correctly from related jobs.
negotiable instruments transactions.
Added a new printout 'Maturity report' in negotiable instruments
Update sales prices from costing folders.
Added in Related jobs of the costing folders the job Update sales prices.
Calculation speed for Aggrages
A change was made, so the speed for the calculation of inventory and trading parties aggregates is improved.
Monthly inventory statement printout and cost price calculation of warehouses
If a warehouse is not included in the cost price calculation then the available balance at the Monthly inventory statement printout is not included in the balance cost calculation.
Ability to transfer not filled quantity in canceled.
A new parameter is created in Inventory which states whether the not filled amount will be transferred to QTY1 as now or to canceled.
T.R.No filter in Customer trial balance (cumul.)
In the printout Customer trial balance (cumul.) a filter is added that exempts the customers with no T.R.No. set.
Account and Account 2 in fixed assets
In Line columns of purchases in fixed assets tab the fields Account and Account 2 are activated.
Sales DashBoards
Creation of Sales DashBoards (For Fiscal year and comparative Fiscal years)
Purchases DashBoards
Creation of Purchases DashBoards (For Fiscal year and comparative Fiscal years)
Inventory DashBoards
Creation of Inventory DashBoards (For comparative Fiscal years)
Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts in Project card printouts
In project card printouts Τransactions from Special transactions - Cash accounts now appear as expenses. Added SOSOURCE - 1453.
Bug fixing
The read only option was disappeared in views once designed a custom field in the corresponding table
The read only option was disappeared in views once designed a custom field in the corresponding table.
Decimals in MS-Excel
In the account card printout many decimals appeared if it was printed in MS-Excel.
Users and tab Customizations
During the creation of a new user an access violation message would appear if the tab Customizations was selected.
End Date and time.
when the End date was deleted the corresponding time was not automatically deleted.
Item balance per attrib.-W/h
If Code - Name was set as a title of a column at the printout 'Item balance per attrib.-W/h' the letters 'Wh' would appear as a title.
Grid and Linked fields.
During a design of a view linked fields disappear when changes were made to available grids.
User Rights.
A new user ability is implemented so the opening of a document is available by double click from the user directly from the customer card printout.
Shortage orders and Group filter.
At the execution of the job Shortage orders the filter Group did not work properly.
Fixed Assets transactions
-In a document that increased or decreased the acquisition value of fixed assets the trading party was required to be set for the accounting link of revenues/expenses entry to be posted.
Convertion of fixed assets documents.
In a convertion of a purchase document (only quantity) to a purchase document (only values) an error message would appear 'FPRMS: AUTOSPCGPS not found΄
Cost accounting
In a full copy of a company with chart of accounts the parameters of the cost accounting where not updated.
Data flow scenario.
If in a Data flow scenario displaying the final entity, which had required fields that were not filled automatically from the data flow scenario, then the data flow was canceled and an error message appear. A correction was made and the data flow continues normaly.
Expenses document in suppliers special transactions.
In Suppliers special transactions the
Expenses document did not appear in the related jobs.
Inventory balance ageing.
The job calculated the age of the inventory stock by the date of opening balance and not the date of purchase, and did not decompose by sales from inventory opening balance when there have been a purchase before the depletion of inventory opening balance.
Extra fields of items in balance per w\h printout
If in filters of balance per w\h printout a field from the extra fields of the items was brought an error message appeared.
Check dates.
Check dates did not apply when set in retail module.
The horizontal analysis of the browser no longer gives a choice between all available fields in the browser.
The horizontal analysis of the browser did not allow a choice between all available fields in the browser (eg the salesperson of the document) but made available only the cache tables of the browser.
Loyalty - cancelation of retail document with bonus card.
In cancelation by reversal of a retail document with bonus card the bonus card was not transfered in the cancelation document and the gift voucher was now canceled automatically.
Loyalty - copy from buffer
During the copy from buffer of a retail document the bonus card was not transfered.
If the job was executed more than once then a new sales document was created while the first one already existed.
Word forms with item pictures.
If the picture was deleted from an item, then the form that was selected in did not print.
Canceled and cancelation documents as unpaid.
In sales documents browser the calculated field Unpaid, showed as unpaid, the canceled and the cancellation documents.
Revenue/Expenses book printout
If in Revenue/Expenses book printout the columns number, series, trading party where selected no data would appear.
balance reflection of inactive attributes in item card printout.
Inventory item card printout reflects the balance by attribute even if an attribute is set inactive but the item has balance with this attribute.
Gift list status
When two gift lists had the same opening date and form the gift list, in client/server mode, the button Gift list status was selected, all gift lists appeared at the prinout and not only the selected one.
Insert and modify of items in another company.
If Insert and modify was selected in Inventory parameters for another company the set of the item was transfered too.
Inactive items per customer
In the printout Inactive items per customer the filters did not work properly so all the inventory items appeared.
Update accounting in Creditor remittances.
Added the field Update accounting in the browser of Creditor remittances.
match with revenues/expenses in fixed assets
Added in fixed assets documents browser and depresiation documents browser the field match with revenues/expenses
Bug on calculating values aftεr using Calculate button from Intrastat
If in sales documents an item was selected with quantity and value and the line was not changed and the Calculate button from Intrastat was used then the document would have discrepancies between lines and totals.
Synchronization of the offline database.
During the synchronization of the offline database (automatic or by the user) an error message would appear if the com port port was used by a fiscal printer.
X.PLAY In Customer Screen
In Customer Screen from the retail module if the X.PLAY function was used, when the first item was selected, a sound was heard but the screen was distorted.
Error message in Action history
In XP environment in related jobs of General actions>Action history an error message would appear 'incorrect syntax near WITH'
In transactions from related jobs of Revenues accounts only the value of the first transaction appears.
In transactions from related jobs of Revenues accounts only the value of the first transaction appears.
Wrong activation with client s/n.
In retail documents the search customer option did not appear based on serial number.