Features added /
Serial Number balance per W/H
Added the printout "SN balance per W/H"
'Users Access Rights' printout
Added 'Users Access Rights' printout in Access Rights - Approvals parameters. The printout shows the Access Rights defined per User.
Discount fields at Stock Items
Added at 'Stock Items' the fields Discount 2(%) and Discount 3(%)
F/A - Depreciation rate
In case of a Fixed Asset that is not monitored 1-1 with entities at the popup window of the documents you can now define the depreciation rate from Purchases module.
Minimum stock levels
The balance check at documents for minimum stock levels is now made also for items with attributes.
Close Cash Register
At the 'Close Cash Register' job the 'Calculate actual data' button now includes the value from the 'Inicialize cash register' field.
Convertion of document lines to purchases
Added the possibility to convert sales document lines to purchases documents from browser expanded by document lines.
Retail prices and Costing folders
Added the option of update of the retail sales prices from costing folders with or without VAT.
Comparison Overview dashboards
Added the field Country of the trading parties at dashboards 'Sales Overview - Comparative Analysis' and 'Purchases Comparison Overview'
Alternative Depreciations
A dialogue field is added for the selection of Accounting or Alternative Depreciations during the creation of Depreciations documents from Depreciations Calculation job.
Invoice Warning at Sales document lines
Added the field 'Invoice Warning' of Stock Items in Sales Documents
Browser design as a column 'ITELINES.MTRL_ITEM_WARNING'.
User rights
The description of records in users rights now appears correctly for Unpaid documents, Outstanding orders, Oustanding delivery notes, Outstanding cheques, market transactions, Sales - orders analysis per item.
Field Document in printouts
The size of the field 'Document' is increased in printouts.
Actions Journal
Added in 'Employee Parameters' the possibility of defining which fields will appear from actions in 'Actions Journal'.
Copying of Document Series, Types and Line columns in other companies
Added the possibility to copy Document Series, Document Types and Line columns from a selected company to others in the same database. The job is available at the browsers of the records with right click. The copying procedure should take place consecutively i.e. copying first the document types and then the document series. Also common parameters should exist at the transactions of the companies.
Turnover in customer browsers
A changes was made in 'Turnover' field in customer browsers for quicker execution.
Available Serial Numbers screen form
Added the 'Available Serial Numbers' screen form in 'Stock Items'. The screen form shows the available serial numbers of the item per warehouse.
Alternative code field size
The field size of 'Alternative code' is increased to 50 characters.
Transfer to purchases
In case a sales document is posted and then is transferred to purchases then the project of the sales document is also transferred to the purchase document.
Issue date and Receipt of cheque fields
Added the fields 'Issue date' and 'Receipt of cheque' as columns at the browser design of 'Collections' and 'Payments'
Project market transaction
Added the fields Trading party code and Name as columns at the 'Project market transaction' screen form.
Approvals Obligations - User
Adde the field 'Inserted by' to 'Approvals Obligations - User' job.
Contacts and Employees to other companies
Added the possibility from parameters to copy Contacts and Employees to other companies of the same database.
Accounting Opening Entries
Added a dialogue field at 'Accounting Opening Entries' for the selection of I.A.S or G.A.S entries.
Create Company job
With the creation of a company the branch and w/h code is defined as 1000 as in the prototype company.
Retail to Purchase documents
Added the possibility to transfer multiple retail documents to a purchase document.
Serial Number in SNLINES table
The field size of sn code in SNLINES tables is changed to 50 characters.
Saleperson and Installations at Stock Documents
Added the possibility to select salesperson in Stock document lines and Installation at Stock document headers.
SN creation at Composition documents
Added the possibility to create Serial Numbers at the header of Composition documents.
File extention .svg and HTML fields.
SVG format is now supported in HTML fields type.
Installations and Services folder
Added the 'Services folder' screen form at 'Installations' related jobs.
Imports-Exports per Item printout
Added the printout 'Imports-Exports per Item' at General Stock Reports of Stock Management.
Inserted On and Last modified User and Date fields
The Inserted On and Last modified User and Date fields where not updated in case a G/L account was automatically created form a Supplier posting.
Payroll function for the calculation of holidays
Added a payroll function to calculate the number of holiday days for given calendar period regarding the branch connected to employee
PUBL_HOL_DAYS(From date(Date),To Date(Date),Weekdays(Mon = 1, ..., 7 = Sun))
PUBL_HOL_DAYS(From date(Date),To Date(Date),'1,2,3,4,5')
returns the number of holiday days between FromDate and ToDate and the Day of Week is one of Monday,...,Friday
Use of barcodes in composition documents
The field 'Use of barcodes' at composition document types now works correctly.
Calendar and Actions Journal parameters
Added the field 'Day width' at calendar parameters and 'Actions Journal' (right click) which defines the width in pixels of the Day column when the calendar format is 'Month'.
Added the field 'Column width for days' in C.R.M. parameters and 'Employee Parameters' which corresponds to the same parameter.
Added the field 'Users/Pages' and 'Employees/Pages' in C.R.M. parameters and 'Employee Parameters' which corresponds to the field 'Resources' at calendars and 'Actions Journal' (right click).
Color zones
Added the 'Application field' at Actions & CRM parameters in C.R.M. Entries tab. The color zone is now configurable and can be defined based on other fields and not only 'Labelling' field.
Departments in calendars
Added the option of multiple departments selection at Personal and Group Calendars.
Serial No of installation and CallPublished
Added the field SERIALNUM at system parameters and it can be used as X.SYS.SERIALNUM for the logged in installation.
Set items with Serial numbers
The warning message for Serial Number selection is now displayed after the posting of composition items in lines of the composition documents.
Filters in Journals
Added the fields Series,Status and State as filters at the Resources and Actions Journals. Multiple resources or employees can be selected for each journal from the browser and selection of Journal with right click.
Function that returns the average collection time
Added a function in collections that returns the average collection time of the sales documents that are coverted from a collection document for a specific date range defined in parameters.
Sales and Purchases Journals of Fixed assets
Added the field Trading party at the printouts of Sales and Purchases Journals of Fixed assets.
Fixed assets printouts
Added fields Accounting Category, Item Category and Item Group
as filters in all Fixed assets printouts
GSIS data job
The field JOBTYPETRD (Profession) is also updated from 'GSIS data' job.
Sales document lines in production documents
Added the possibility of conversion of specific sales documents lines to production documents.
Pay-off document
In case a pay-off document was posted from related jobs of an other transactions document with a different date from the original document, the date field was automatically updated again with the date of the original document.
Similar lines packing
Added the posibility for similar lines packing to be applied in document lines type 'Mtrtype' (Normal,Warranty) execpt Gift.
Holidays Calendar in all available calendars
Holidays appear in all Calendars (Personal Calendar,Group Calendar,Actions Journal,Resources). At the Date navigator the defined date will appear in red color. Τo defined a day as holiday the user must update the 'Holidays Calendar' from company parameters and set the appropriate calendar at the company branch at 'Holidays Calendar' field.
NBG bank web banking
Added the possibility of exporting files for NBG bank (web banking) regarding payroll.
'Bill of Lading' printout
Added the filter Delivered on [Dates] at the 'Bill of Lading' printout.
Sales Orders per Item - Analytica
Add at the 'Sales Orders per Item - Analytical' printout fields regarding Lots.
Document processing
The document processing job takes into account in the packing of lines the MTRTYPE field.
Users Access Rights printout
The 'Users Access Rights' printout can display five different modules (Companies, Jobs, Operations, Series and Customizations) through related filters.
Delivery date at Production Orders
Added the field 'Delivery date' [MTRDOC.DELIVDATE] and its now available at the browser of 'Production Orders'.
Bug fixing
Login at inactive companies
The check for login at inactive companies now works properly.
SN transactions per item printout
Correct results appear in 'SN transactions per item' printout even if the last transaction of the SN is from cancellation document.
SN and cancelled documents
SN from documents cancelled by reversal now appear normally at the printouts 'SN transactions per item' and 'SN card'
Ordinary Supplier at Fixed Assets
Added the field 'Ordinary Supplier' at Fixed Assets.
Backup from Client
An error appeard "Access violation at address 0110E389 in module XDLL.dll. Read of address 00000004" in case the 'Backup' Job was excecuted as client and not standalone.
Deletion of printed documents
The deletion of printed documents in offline databases is not allowed if the corresponding parameter is set at the Central database.
Deletion of employees and related documents
The deletion of related documents of employees was not completed correctly with the deletion of the employee.
Close Cash Register and Cash Account Transactions
At the 'Cash Account Transactions' when the document type has behavior 'Deposit' or 'Return of withdrawal' then the 'Close Cash Register' record will have a negative sign. If the behavior is 'Withdrawal' or 'Return of Deposit' then the record at the 'Close Cash Register' will have a positive sign.
Creation of EAN Barcodes
In specific cases the job 'Generate EAN Barcodes' did not create continuous codes.
Related jobs in screen forms
The related jobs defined as hyperlinks in screen forms work correctly.
Business Unit in Series
When a Business Unit is defined in series of Wire transfers or Reconciliations then it is completed automatically at the document.
Lots without balance
In already posted documents the redirection to Lots that did not have balance did not work.
Lot wholesale price
After the convertion of a sales document with item lots the proposed price was the Wholesale price of the item and not the correspinding from Lots.
Text type Calculated fields
Added the possibility of use of Text type Calculated fields in Open Designed Reports.
Transfer among W/h job
The 'Transfer among W/h' job did not take in concidaration the decimals from values in quantities.
C.R.M. actions in journals
Actions with date range greater than the displayed did not appear in journals.
Active Qlikview tab
In case a Qlikview tab was open and the user minimized Soft1 application or changed the active window with another application then the Qlikview tab would appear in black if it was selected again.
Login to inactive companies
Login to inactive companies is not allowed even if the login credentials are automatically completed.
Sales journals
The field 'Insertion time' (SOTIME) appeared as date in Sales journals.
Cash Registers negative balances
Improved the behavior of Cash Registers transactions to avoid 'virtual' negative balances.
Supplier balance payment
Balance payment by right click from supplier collections lines now completes the supplier balance with the correct sign.
Printform to different database connection
In case of a Printform call through javascript from a sales document that used a form from a different connection (xco file of another database) the field 'Sosign' of 'Mtrdoc' table was not updated correctly.
Comment 2 in Accounting entries
In specific cases the field 'Comment 2' did not appear correctly in Accounting entries.
Unpaid documents
The Open-item clearing method defined at the trading party was not correctly selected at the 'Unpaid documents' screen form from 'Related jobs'.
Sales per Item per Customer Branch printout
At 'Sales per Item per Customer Branch' printout the Grouping is made based on the code of the Customer.
Force pivot
The option 'Force pivot' did not work correctly.
Balance check and Warranty
During the convertion of a document the balance check did not work properly for the items with type 'Warranty'.
Approvals Obligations
At Approvals Obligations - User job with right click from the browser an error message appeared regarding user rights
Password at custom browsers
Password set at custom browsers was removed when the user added a new column and then saved the new browser by right click.
Customer Market Transaction
The correct data now appear from the selected record of the Customer Market Transaction lines.
Printform in Custfindoc
The 'Printform' function did not work properly if used at object type 'Custfindoc'
Inactive Fiscal year
The login check did not work properly in inactive Fiscal years.
Project market transaction
In case of discount in documents with defined projects different values appeard in 'Project transaction (header)' and 'Project market transaction' screen forms.
Debit/Credit Categories and Credit Notes
The values from Debit/Credit Categories appear correctly at the
'Credit Notes Calculation Results' browser.
Project Statement
The error 'Ambiguous column name PRJC' appeared at the execution of the 'Project Statement' printout in specific cases.
VAT per Tax Account printout
At 'VAT per Tax Account' printout in Revenues/Expences the brought forward results did not appear correctly with Local Execution of the printout.
Imports Costing printout and Dossier ID
The field 'Dossier ID' from the 'Imports Costing' printout at the Analysis per Item module returns the correct ID.
SOTIME field
The field SOTIME did not appear correctly at the production module.
Costing folders
After making changes to a costing folder document with cancelation of last update the document could not be saved.
Set items and composition documents
The selection of set items to composition and decomposition documents did not complete correctly causing issues to the applications stability.
Synchronization of offline databases
The messages regarding the completion of the creation and synchronization of the offline database did not appear.
Outstanding Delivery notes
The rerouting to outstanding delivery notes from the screen form of the related jobs of trading parties did not work properly.
Related jobs of trading parties
In case of collection/payment document posting from the related jobs of the trading party the correct trading party was not selected at the document if the trading party record was changed from the navigation arrows.
Azure and offline databases
The automatic reconnectιοn to Azure from an offline database did not work properly.
Revesal job in Retail
An error message would appear in case the Revesal job was selected from a Retail document with credit card selected as pay-off method.
Credit cards
An error message would appear in case the user made changes in the credit card area after the retail document was posted.
Indirect posting of documents
The error message 'selector record not found' appeared in case a sales/collection/purchase/other transaction document was posted by right click at trading parties hyperlink from an already posted document.
Trading praties Wire transfers
The default filters at Trading praties Wire transfers printout did not work properly.
Serial Number balance per W/H
Added the printout "SN balance per W/H"
'Users Access Rights' printout
Added 'Users Access Rights' printout in Access Rights - Approvals parameters. The printout shows the Access Rights defined per User.
Discount fields at Stock Items
Added at 'Stock Items' the fields Discount 2(%) and Discount 3(%)
F/A - Depreciation rate
In case of a Fixed Asset that is not monitored 1-1 with entities at the popup window of the documents you can now define the depreciation rate from Purchases module.
Minimum stock levels
The balance check at documents for minimum stock levels is now made also for items with attributes.
Close Cash Register
At the 'Close Cash Register' job the 'Calculate actual data' button now includes the value from the 'Inicialize cash register' field.
Convertion of document lines to purchases
Added the possibility to convert sales document lines to purchases documents from browser expanded by document lines.
Retail prices and Costing folders
Added the option of update of the retail sales prices from costing folders with or without VAT.
Comparison Overview dashboards
Added the field Country of the trading parties at dashboards 'Sales Overview - Comparative Analysis' and 'Purchases Comparison Overview'
Alternative Depreciations
A dialogue field is added for the selection of Accounting or Alternative Depreciations during the creation of Depreciations documents from Depreciations Calculation job.
Invoice Warning at Sales document lines
Added the field 'Invoice Warning' of Stock Items in Sales Documents
Browser design as a column 'ITELINES.MTRL_ITEM_WARNING'.
User rights
The description of records in users rights now appears correctly for Unpaid documents, Outstanding orders, Oustanding delivery notes, Outstanding cheques, market transactions, Sales - orders analysis per item.
Field Document in printouts
The size of the field 'Document' is increased in printouts.
Actions Journal
Added in 'Employee Parameters' the possibility of defining which fields will appear from actions in 'Actions Journal'.
Copying of Document Series, Types and Line columns in other companies
Added the possibility to copy Document Series, Document Types and Line columns from a selected company to others in the same database. The job is available at the browsers of the records with right click. The copying procedure should take place consecutively i.e. copying first the document types and then the document series. Also common parameters should exist at the transactions of the companies.
Turnover in customer browsers
A changes was made in 'Turnover' field in customer browsers for quicker execution.
Available Serial Numbers screen form
Added the 'Available Serial Numbers' screen form in 'Stock Items'. The screen form shows the available serial numbers of the item per warehouse.
Alternative code field size
The field size of 'Alternative code' is increased to 50 characters.
Transfer to purchases
In case a sales document is posted and then is transferred to purchases then the project of the sales document is also transferred to the purchase document.
Issue date and Receipt of cheque fields
Added the fields 'Issue date' and 'Receipt of cheque' as columns at the browser design of 'Collections' and 'Payments'
Project market transaction
Added the fields Trading party code and Name as columns at the 'Project market transaction' screen form.
Approvals Obligations - User
Adde the field 'Inserted by' to 'Approvals Obligations - User' job.
Contacts and Employees to other companies
Added the possibility from parameters to copy Contacts and Employees to other companies of the same database.
Accounting Opening Entries
Added a dialogue field at 'Accounting Opening Entries' for the selection of I.A.S or G.A.S entries.
Create Company job
With the creation of a company the branch and w/h code is defined as 1000 as in the prototype company.
Retail to Purchase documents
Added the possibility to transfer multiple retail documents to a purchase document.
Serial Number in SNLINES table
The field size of sn code in SNLINES tables is changed to 50 characters.
Saleperson and Installations at Stock Documents
Added the possibility to select salesperson in Stock document lines and Installation at Stock document headers.
SN creation at Composition documents
Added the possibility to create Serial Numbers at the header of Composition documents.
File extention .svg and HTML fields.
SVG format is now supported in HTML fields type.
Installations and Services folder
Added the 'Services folder' screen form at 'Installations' related jobs.
Imports-Exports per Item printout
Added the printout 'Imports-Exports per Item' at General Stock Reports of Stock Management.
Inserted On and Last modified User and Date fields
The Inserted On and Last modified User and Date fields where not updated in case a G/L account was automatically created form a Supplier posting.
Payroll function for the calculation of holidays
Added a payroll function to calculate the number of holiday days for given calendar period regarding the branch connected to employee
PUBL_HOL_DAYS(From date(Date),To Date(Date),Weekdays(Mon = 1, ..., 7 = Sun))
PUBL_HOL_DAYS(From date(Date),To Date(Date),'1,2,3,4,5')
returns the number of holiday days between FromDate and ToDate and the Day of Week is one of Monday,...,Friday
Use of barcodes in composition documents
The field 'Use of barcodes' at composition document types now works correctly.
Calendar and Actions Journal parameters
Added the field 'Day width' at calendar parameters and 'Actions Journal' (right click) which defines the width in pixels of the Day column when the calendar format is 'Month'.
Added the field 'Column width for days' in C.R.M. parameters and 'Employee Parameters' which corresponds to the same parameter.
Added the field 'Users/Pages' and 'Employees/Pages' in C.R.M. parameters and 'Employee Parameters' which corresponds to the field 'Resources' at calendars and 'Actions Journal' (right click).
Color zones
Added the 'Application field' at Actions & CRM parameters in C.R.M. Entries tab. The color zone is now configurable and can be defined based on other fields and not only 'Labelling' field.
Departments in calendars
Added the option of multiple departments selection at Personal and Group Calendars.
Serial No of installation and CallPublished
Added the field SERIALNUM at system parameters and it can be used as X.SYS.SERIALNUM for the logged in installation.
Set items with Serial numbers
The warning message for Serial Number selection is now displayed after the posting of composition items in lines of the composition documents.
Filters in Journals
Added the fields Series,Status and State as filters at the Resources and Actions Journals. Multiple resources or employees can be selected for each journal from the browser and selection of Journal with right click.
Function that returns the average collection time
Added a function in collections that returns the average collection time of the sales documents that are coverted from a collection document for a specific date range defined in parameters.
Sales and Purchases Journals of Fixed assets
Added the field Trading party at the printouts of Sales and Purchases Journals of Fixed assets.
Fixed assets printouts
Added fields Accounting Category, Item Category and Item Group
as filters in all Fixed assets printouts
GSIS data job
The field JOBTYPETRD (Profession) is also updated from 'GSIS data' job.
Sales document lines in production documents
Added the possibility of conversion of specific sales documents lines to production documents.
Pay-off document
In case a pay-off document was posted from related jobs of an other transactions document with a different date from the original document, the date field was automatically updated again with the date of the original document.
Similar lines packing
Added the posibility for similar lines packing to be applied in document lines type 'Mtrtype' (Normal,Warranty) execpt Gift.
Holidays Calendar in all available calendars
Holidays appear in all Calendars (Personal Calendar,Group Calendar,Actions Journal,Resources). At the Date navigator the defined date will appear in red color. Τo defined a day as holiday the user must update the 'Holidays Calendar' from company parameters and set the appropriate calendar at the company branch at 'Holidays Calendar' field.
NBG bank web banking
Added the possibility of exporting files for NBG bank (web banking) regarding payroll.
'Bill of Lading' printout
Added the filter Delivered on [Dates] at the 'Bill of Lading' printout.
Sales Orders per Item - Analytica
Add at the 'Sales Orders per Item - Analytical' printout fields regarding Lots.
Document processing
The document processing job takes into account in the packing of lines the MTRTYPE field.
Users Access Rights printout
The 'Users Access Rights' printout can display five different modules (Companies, Jobs, Operations, Series and Customizations) through related filters.
Delivery date at Production Orders
Added the field 'Delivery date' [MTRDOC.DELIVDATE] and its now available at the browser of 'Production Orders'.
Bug fixing
Login at inactive companies
The check for login at inactive companies now works properly.
SN transactions per item printout
Correct results appear in 'SN transactions per item' printout even if the last transaction of the SN is from cancellation document.
SN and cancelled documents
SN from documents cancelled by reversal now appear normally at the printouts 'SN transactions per item' and 'SN card'
Ordinary Supplier at Fixed Assets
Added the field 'Ordinary Supplier' at Fixed Assets.
Backup from Client
An error appeard "Access violation at address 0110E389 in module XDLL.dll. Read of address 00000004" in case the 'Backup' Job was excecuted as client and not standalone.
Deletion of printed documents
The deletion of printed documents in offline databases is not allowed if the corresponding parameter is set at the Central database.
Deletion of employees and related documents
The deletion of related documents of employees was not completed correctly with the deletion of the employee.
Close Cash Register and Cash Account Transactions
At the 'Cash Account Transactions' when the document type has behavior 'Deposit' or 'Return of withdrawal' then the 'Close Cash Register' record will have a negative sign. If the behavior is 'Withdrawal' or 'Return of Deposit' then the record at the 'Close Cash Register' will have a positive sign.
Creation of EAN Barcodes
In specific cases the job 'Generate EAN Barcodes' did not create continuous codes.
Related jobs in screen forms
The related jobs defined as hyperlinks in screen forms work correctly.
Business Unit in Series
When a Business Unit is defined in series of Wire transfers or Reconciliations then it is completed automatically at the document.
Lots without balance
In already posted documents the redirection to Lots that did not have balance did not work.
Lot wholesale price
After the convertion of a sales document with item lots the proposed price was the Wholesale price of the item and not the correspinding from Lots.
Text type Calculated fields
Added the possibility of use of Text type Calculated fields in Open Designed Reports.
Transfer among W/h job
The 'Transfer among W/h' job did not take in concidaration the decimals from values in quantities.
C.R.M. actions in journals
Actions with date range greater than the displayed did not appear in journals.
Active Qlikview tab
In case a Qlikview tab was open and the user minimized Soft1 application or changed the active window with another application then the Qlikview tab would appear in black if it was selected again.
Login to inactive companies
Login to inactive companies is not allowed even if the login credentials are automatically completed.
Sales journals
The field 'Insertion time' (SOTIME) appeared as date in Sales journals.
Cash Registers negative balances
Improved the behavior of Cash Registers transactions to avoid 'virtual' negative balances.
Supplier balance payment
Balance payment by right click from supplier collections lines now completes the supplier balance with the correct sign.
Printform to different database connection
In case of a Printform call through javascript from a sales document that used a form from a different connection (xco file of another database) the field 'Sosign' of 'Mtrdoc' table was not updated correctly.
Comment 2 in Accounting entries
In specific cases the field 'Comment 2' did not appear correctly in Accounting entries.
Unpaid documents
The Open-item clearing method defined at the trading party was not correctly selected at the 'Unpaid documents' screen form from 'Related jobs'.
Sales per Item per Customer Branch printout
At 'Sales per Item per Customer Branch' printout the Grouping is made based on the code of the Customer.
Force pivot
The option 'Force pivot' did not work correctly.
Balance check and Warranty
During the convertion of a document the balance check did not work properly for the items with type 'Warranty'.
Approvals Obligations
At Approvals Obligations - User job with right click from the browser an error message appeared regarding user rights
Password at custom browsers
Password set at custom browsers was removed when the user added a new column and then saved the new browser by right click.
Customer Market Transaction
The correct data now appear from the selected record of the Customer Market Transaction lines.
Printform in Custfindoc
The 'Printform' function did not work properly if used at object type 'Custfindoc'
Inactive Fiscal year
The login check did not work properly in inactive Fiscal years.
Project market transaction
In case of discount in documents with defined projects different values appeard in 'Project transaction (header)' and 'Project market transaction' screen forms.
Debit/Credit Categories and Credit Notes
The values from Debit/Credit Categories appear correctly at the
'Credit Notes Calculation Results' browser.
Project Statement
The error 'Ambiguous column name PRJC' appeared at the execution of the 'Project Statement' printout in specific cases.
VAT per Tax Account printout
At 'VAT per Tax Account' printout in Revenues/Expences the brought forward results did not appear correctly with Local Execution of the printout.
Imports Costing printout and Dossier ID
The field 'Dossier ID' from the 'Imports Costing' printout at the Analysis per Item module returns the correct ID.
SOTIME field
The field SOTIME did not appear correctly at the production module.
Costing folders
After making changes to a costing folder document with cancelation of last update the document could not be saved.
Set items and composition documents
The selection of set items to composition and decomposition documents did not complete correctly causing issues to the applications stability.
Synchronization of offline databases
The messages regarding the completion of the creation and synchronization of the offline database did not appear.
Outstanding Delivery notes
The rerouting to outstanding delivery notes from the screen form of the related jobs of trading parties did not work properly.
Related jobs of trading parties
In case of collection/payment document posting from the related jobs of the trading party the correct trading party was not selected at the document if the trading party record was changed from the navigation arrows.
Azure and offline databases
The automatic reconnectιοn to Azure from an offline database did not work properly.
Revesal job in Retail
An error message would appear in case the Revesal job was selected from a Retail document with credit card selected as pay-off method.
Credit cards
An error message would appear in case the user made changes in the credit card area after the retail document was posted.
Indirect posting of documents
The error message 'selector record not found' appeared in case a sales/collection/purchase/other transaction document was posted by right click at trading parties hyperlink from an already posted document.
Trading praties Wire transfers
The default filters at Trading praties Wire transfers printout did not work properly.