Monday, November 25, 2019

Version 5.00.519.11237

Features added / modified

Retail Pro/ Discounts
In Soft1 Retail Pro, when applying discounts on items, a password/ code is now requested.

Retail Pro - W/H Doc lines
At Retail Pro, you are now allowed to change the W/H at Doc lines.

HR Browser Design/ (Commendations-Penalties)
At HR default Browser/ List "Employees commendations" and "Penalties" the column "Description" of the Doc Series has been added.

Payments Plan/ Expiry date
The "Payments Plan" (SupDebPayments) job, transfers the "Expiry Date" in data grid results when the "Update the default values" option is selected.

Payments Plan/ New field
At "Payments Plan" (SupDebPayments) job, the "Payment Terms" field has been added.

Bug fixing

Projects/ Lines sorting
At Projects, when entering a new Project Task, the sorting at lines is now working properly.

Open Designed Report/ External (Excel) type
At Series 5 UI, the results of an Open Designed Report of External (Excel) type are now properly displayed.

Open Designed Reports/ Internal (Fast Report) type
Error message "Cannot access index field '+'" fixed. This occurred under certain circumstances at Open Designed Reports with Type "Internal (Fast Report)".

Soft1 Scheduler
At Series 5 UI, the "Scheduler" tool is now working properly.

Item line/ SN
Under certain circumstances, upon selecting an item with SN at a Doc. line, if no quantity has been filled in, a message error was displayed.

Pricing Policies/ Empty containers
In case there is a pricing policy for empty container items the Doc lines are now properly displayed.

ABC analysis
Error message fixed upon saving Other Transactions with ABC analysis in custom Screen Form, regardless of the allocation method ("Allocation per dimension" or "Summary allocation").

Groups of Companies schema/ Customers-Suppliers functions
At a Group of Companies schema/ model, the functions CusOpenOrder, CusSumOpenOrder, CusOpenCntOrder and CusOpenShp for Customers, and the respective ones for Suppliers, are now working properly according to the "Company" parameter.

Sales Doc/ Installation - Trad. Party Branch
Upon clicking "Installation" at a Sales Doc, the Trading Party's branch is now properly updated.

Group of Companies schema/ Collections & Payments Report
At a Group of Companies schema/ model, at a child company, the Trading Parties are now properly displayed at Collections & Payments reports.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Version 5.00.519.11236

Bug fixing

Multi-company schema - Doc Series access rights
At a multi-company schema/model, upon transferring Sales Docs to Purchases Docs and vice versa, the user having free access to all companies is now allowed to select the proper Doc Series based on the default branch.

Series 5 UI/ Custom Screen Form
In Series 5 UI, "System error!" message fixed. It occurred when #UTBL01(F[SODTYPE=51]) editor has been used in Sales Doc. custom screen form.

Projects/ Financial data
The proper value is now displayed at Projects Financial Data (Related job) if the user selects "Data from document headers (exclusively)". That is, in case the project is included in wire transfers docs.

List of Expenses/ User auto update
The display order of the fields "Employee" & "User" has changed in the "List of Expenses" Screen form.Once the employee is selected then the user is auto updated.

Stock Mgmt params/ Exclude limits per W/H
Stock Items sync is properly working among companies in case "Stock Limits per W/H" has been excluded (Stock General params) from synchronization process.

Designed Browser/ List - Password
At a designed Browser/ List, the new password is now properly saved upon export by Custom Administrator.

Retail Pro/ Reversal Doc
In Retail Pro, the cancelled doc, which occurred by reversal process, can now be printed.

Retail Pro/ Z report - Tax Agent
In Retail Pro Designer, in order to export the Z report via Tax Agent, you may add the ACMD:acZReportSignB command as a button (New Command in Operations Area).

Items Trial Balance report/ Cost Calculation
At "Items Trial Balance" report, when selecting "Only warehouses participating in cost calculation"at "Participating in Balance cost" field, the balance value is properly displayed.

CRM Calls/ Repeat Action
The following error message which occurred upon right-clicking on a Browser/ List and selecting annual occurrence in "Repeat Action" job, has been fixed.
Error Message: Cannot create file "C:\Users\profiledir\AppData\Local\Temp\Timer.html". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Version 5.00.519.11235

Features added / modified

"F/A Accounting Status - Analytical"/ Related jobs
The "F/A Accounting Status - Analytical" report has been added to Fixed Assets' Related jobs.

Bug fixing

"Accounting Opening Entries" job
Upon running "Accounting Opening Entries" (AcnOpenFisc) job,
the resulted Acctg. Entry is not created for non Debited/Credited Accounts. Regards the Account set at the Type of Acctg. Opening Series.

"Check expiry date for Sets/Kits" /"Prohibition" value
Sets/Kits expiry checks are properly performed in case the value "Prohibition" has been set at "Check expiry date for Sets/Kits" field at Group Sets (Stock Mgmt Parameters).

Stock Ledger report/ Decimals
At a designed "Stock Ledger" report, the decimals, at "MPRICE & MPRICEP'' fields, are now properly saved.

Soft1 Templates/ Reports
In Series 5 UI reports, error message "QUESTIONS: Dataset not in edit or insert mode" fixed. It occurred upon selecting Soft1 Templates at reports.

Merging Scenarios/ Doc. Series
In Series 5 UI, at "Merging Scenarios" (Tools menu), you are now allowed to select any Doc. Series.

"Duration" field/ Contracts Browser
Error message "Access violation" fixed upon running a Contracts Browser/List having previously added the "Duration" (VISITNUM) field/column.

Stock Mgmt params/ "Value incl. discounts and expenses"
If at Stock Mgmt parameters, the "Last purchase price" field has been set to "Value incl. discounts and expenses", then at Purchase Doc. Type, at "Uses price" field, the "Supplier" value should be set in order to display the item's last purchase price.

"ANAF WEB Service" (Romanian Localization)
Upon running the "ANAF Web Service" job (Right click on Trad. party list), all fields are properly updated including the "Check Status" column.

S1 Designer/ Create Fields
Error message "No index currently active" fixed displayed upon selecting "Create Fields" at "View Table" in S1 Designer.

Customers Browser/ Print form
Error message "OLE error 800A03EC" fixed upon printing Customer printout form designed in MS-Excel. The error occurred in case the form was sent via e-mail as attachment.

CRM/ Action History
Error message "Ole Error: 80040E2F. The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion" fixed. It occurred under certain circumstances upon selecting the Action History (CRM Related Job).

"SN Journal" report/ Filter length
At "SN Journal" report, the length of the "SN Code" (SNCODE) filter has been increased to accept 50 characters.

"Composition Docs" screen form/ "Total Qty.1 & Total Qty.2"
At a designed "Composition Documents" Screen Form, the fields "Total Qty.1(MTRDOC.QTY1) and "Total Qty.2" (MTRDOC.QTY2), are updated by the quantities defined at the Doc Header (HEADERLINE.QTY1 & HEADERLINE.QTY2) and not by the quantities defined at the document's lines.