Features added / modified
Orders & Advance Payments
Advanced Payments can now be matched (Open - Item) with Order Docs. FINDOCREF field is used for Wire transfers matching and FINDOCS for Collection Docs.
Employees/ New filter
The "Year" filter has been added to the "Leave/Sick/Absence" tab at Employee General data.
Person evaluated - Comments
At 'Create Employees Evaluation)' job (Right click on Employees list) the tab 'Analysis' has been added.
Furthermore, the user can add,
1) his Comments along with those from the person Evaluated,
2) Additional Evaluations, and select the Series based on which these or those automatically generated based on existing data, will be created in Soft1.
The evaluations that are automatically generated cannot be edited. They can only be sorted.
Questionnaires/ Automation
The HRCUSNAIRE_WEB object has been added to automatically manage in details all the evaluations.
The creation of evaluations - Right click on Employees browser (InsertHRNaire object) inserts all evaluations as follows: the first evaluation is labeled as "To be activated" and the rest as "Waiting".
Sales Overview-Comparative Analysis/ New filters
At "Sales Overview-Comparative Analysis" the filters Model & Brand have been added.
Sales Year Overview/ New filters
At "Sales Year Overview" report, the Model & Brand filters have been added.
Outstanding Items (Analysis)/ WH
At Items' Financial Data (Related job), at "Quantity Data" tab, the grid of Outstanding Items (Analysis) is filtered based on the Warehouse set at Calculation filters.
Empty containers qty
Modifying the quantity of empty containers on Doc lines is not allowed.
Empty containers/ Doc lines
Upon modifying an Item, which is defined as an empty container on Doc lines, the empty containers related to this Item are deleted too.
CRM Overview/ Subject
At "CRM Overview" the 'Subject" has been added to Additional fields.
Gift voucher/SN Doc. lines
In case a Stock Item has been set as "Gift Voucher" the selector on Doc lines displays all SNs, regardless of the Warehouse the voucher belongs.
Bug fixing
Band image/ Printout Form (Internal use)
The band image in now properly printed at the footer of a Printout Form (Internal use).
Sets/Kits-Create-Select lots job
Error fixed upon using the "Create-Select lots" job, on Doc lines of Items participating/ included in Sets/Kits. The Set's info is now properly displayed in the extra lines created by this job.
Sales per Customer per Item report
At "Sales per Customer per Item" report, the "Yes", "No" filters at Cumulative flag are now working properly.
Assign Invoices job (Factoring)
Error upon running the At "Assign Invoices" job fixed.
Use of Spreadsheet parameter
The alphanumeric fields are now properly printed in MS- Excel when having the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter activated at User & Rights Parameters.
Branch editor
Under certain circumstances, upon Screen Form design, the Branches Editors, at Triangular transactions, were missing. Error fixed.
Designed reports/ Filters
At Series 5 UI, the filters are now properly printed at a designed report.
Empty containers/ Conversion
Upon partial Conversion of a Document, which includes empty containers, the outstanding quantities are properly updated.
Doc lines/ SN
Error fixed when selecting the SN, which already exists at Doc lines.
Empty containers (UoM1 & UoM2 relation)
The empty containers quantity is now properly calculated (according to the UoM1 & UoM2 relation) when having Items with different UoM of that of empty containers.
Consumption & Production Notes/ WHs
Production and Consumption W/Hs are now properly displayed when the Production & Consumption Notes derive from Production Orders.
Pricing policies/ Empty containers
The Pricing Policies are now properly applied on Items set as empty containers.
Remove pending job/ Empty containers
The "Remove pending" job can now properly run on Doc lines, which include empty containers.
Grouped Browser/ List- Graph
At Series 5 UI, the Graph option at a Grouped Browser/ List is now working properly.
Import Excel process
The Import Excell process is now properly performed at a database with nvarchar fields.
Production Cost Analysis Report/ Oracle DB
Error in "Production Cost Analysis Report" in Oracle database has been fixed.
Group of Companies schema/ Sales per Item per Customer report
Error message ''The multi-part identifier "DTA.NAME" could not be bound'' fixed. It occurred at a Group of Companies schema/ model, at a child company, upon selecting the filters at "Sales per Item per Customer" report.
Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty)/ Characters
The filters' length of the "Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty)" job has been extended to 500 characters.
Production Note to Production Doc/ BOM WH
Upon transferring a Production Note to Production Document, the BOM's warehouse is properly updated.
Delete Company job
The "Delete Company (DeleteCompany)" job is now performed properly.
Reports/ Save New Template
Error message "Invalid Pointer operation" fixed. It occurred in cases the "Save New Template" has been set as default.
Item/ Current cost prices
Error message "softone range error" fixed. It occurred at Item's Financial Data, at Cost prices tab when selecting "Current" prices.
Access Rights/Series 5 UI
At Series 5 UI, only users with Administrator rights are entitled to give user rights.
The ''USERVALIDATE'' function, at Stock Items screen form, is now working properly.
The DLL form is properly displayed upon changing the panel of Dialog Object by using the XModule.InsertControl command.
Payroll/Funds-New entry
At Payroll > Employee card, error fixed upon posting a new entry at Funds grid.
Enter/ Modify Item price (Offline mode)
The user is now allowed to enter/ modify the Item's price at Sales Doc lines in Offline mode.
Collection Docs
Error message "CFNCUSFPRMS: Field 'CRTTYPE' not found" fixed. It occurred upon saving/posting Collection Docs.
Transfer to Sales Doc/Comments
When using the "Transfer to Sales Doc" job (right click on Purchase List) the values of all Comments fields (Header & Doc. lines) are transferred to the respective fields of the Purchase Doc.
Financial Data/ Screen Form design
Error message "Argument out of range" fixed. It occurred upon Screen Form design at Trading parties' Financial Data.
Matched/Cleared Doc. Analysis (Avg. Days to Pay) - Customer List
Error fixed upon clicking on Customer List from "Matched/Cleared Doc. Analysis (Avg. Days to Pay) related job when the date period has not been defined. The dates are now properly updated based on the current month values.
Orders & Advance Payments
Advanced Payments can now be matched (Open - Item) with Order Docs. FINDOCREF field is used for Wire transfers matching and FINDOCS for Collection Docs.
Employees/ New filter
The "Year" filter has been added to the "Leave/Sick/Absence" tab at Employee General data.
Person evaluated - Comments
At 'Create Employees Evaluation)' job (Right click on Employees list) the tab 'Analysis' has been added.
Furthermore, the user can add,
1) his Comments along with those from the person Evaluated,
2) Additional Evaluations, and select the Series based on which these or those automatically generated based on existing data, will be created in Soft1.
The evaluations that are automatically generated cannot be edited. They can only be sorted.
Questionnaires/ Automation
The HRCUSNAIRE_WEB object has been added to automatically manage in details all the evaluations.
The creation of evaluations - Right click on Employees browser (InsertHRNaire object) inserts all evaluations as follows: the first evaluation is labeled as "To be activated" and the rest as "Waiting".
Sales Overview-Comparative Analysis/ New filters
At "Sales Overview-Comparative Analysis" the filters Model & Brand have been added.
Sales Year Overview/ New filters
At "Sales Year Overview" report, the Model & Brand filters have been added.
Outstanding Items (Analysis)/ WH
At Items' Financial Data (Related job), at "Quantity Data" tab, the grid of Outstanding Items (Analysis) is filtered based on the Warehouse set at Calculation filters.
Empty containers qty
Modifying the quantity of empty containers on Doc lines is not allowed.
Empty containers/ Doc lines
Upon modifying an Item, which is defined as an empty container on Doc lines, the empty containers related to this Item are deleted too.
CRM Overview/ Subject
At "CRM Overview" the 'Subject" has been added to Additional fields.
Gift voucher/SN Doc. lines
In case a Stock Item has been set as "Gift Voucher" the selector on Doc lines displays all SNs, regardless of the Warehouse the voucher belongs.
Bug fixing
Band image/ Printout Form (Internal use)
The band image in now properly printed at the footer of a Printout Form (Internal use).
Sets/Kits-Create-Select lots job
Error fixed upon using the "Create-Select lots" job, on Doc lines of Items participating/ included in Sets/Kits. The Set's info is now properly displayed in the extra lines created by this job.
Sales per Customer per Item report
At "Sales per Customer per Item" report, the "Yes", "No" filters at Cumulative flag are now working properly.
Assign Invoices job (Factoring)
Error upon running the At "Assign Invoices" job fixed.
Use of Spreadsheet parameter
The alphanumeric fields are now properly printed in MS- Excel when having the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter activated at User & Rights Parameters.
Branch editor
Under certain circumstances, upon Screen Form design, the Branches Editors, at Triangular transactions, were missing. Error fixed.
Designed reports/ Filters
At Series 5 UI, the filters are now properly printed at a designed report.
Empty containers/ Conversion
Upon partial Conversion of a Document, which includes empty containers, the outstanding quantities are properly updated.
Doc lines/ SN
Error fixed when selecting the SN, which already exists at Doc lines.
Empty containers (UoM1 & UoM2 relation)
The empty containers quantity is now properly calculated (according to the UoM1 & UoM2 relation) when having Items with different UoM of that of empty containers.
Consumption & Production Notes/ WHs
Production and Consumption W/Hs are now properly displayed when the Production & Consumption Notes derive from Production Orders.
Pricing policies/ Empty containers
The Pricing Policies are now properly applied on Items set as empty containers.
Remove pending job/ Empty containers
The "Remove pending" job can now properly run on Doc lines, which include empty containers.
Grouped Browser/ List- Graph
At Series 5 UI, the Graph option at a Grouped Browser/ List is now working properly.
Import Excel process
The Import Excell process is now properly performed at a database with nvarchar fields.
Production Cost Analysis Report/ Oracle DB
Error in "Production Cost Analysis Report" in Oracle database has been fixed.
Group of Companies schema/ Sales per Item per Customer report
Error message ''The multi-part identifier "DTA.NAME" could not be bound'' fixed. It occurred at a Group of Companies schema/ model, at a child company, upon selecting the filters at "Sales per Item per Customer" report.
Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty)/ Characters
The filters' length of the "Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty)" job has been extended to 500 characters.
Production Note to Production Doc/ BOM WH
Upon transferring a Production Note to Production Document, the BOM's warehouse is properly updated.
Delete Company job
The "Delete Company (DeleteCompany)" job is now performed properly.
Reports/ Save New Template
Error message "Invalid Pointer operation" fixed. It occurred in cases the "Save New Template" has been set as default.
Item/ Current cost prices
Error message "softone range error" fixed. It occurred at Item's Financial Data, at Cost prices tab when selecting "Current" prices.
Access Rights/Series 5 UI
At Series 5 UI, only users with Administrator rights are entitled to give user rights.
The ''USERVALIDATE'' function, at Stock Items screen form, is now working properly.
The DLL form is properly displayed upon changing the panel of Dialog Object by using the XModule.InsertControl command.
Payroll/Funds-New entry
At Payroll > Employee card, error fixed upon posting a new entry at Funds grid.
Enter/ Modify Item price (Offline mode)
The user is now allowed to enter/ modify the Item's price at Sales Doc lines in Offline mode.
Collection Docs
Error message "CFNCUSFPRMS: Field 'CRTTYPE' not found" fixed. It occurred upon saving/posting Collection Docs.
Transfer to Sales Doc/Comments
When using the "Transfer to Sales Doc" job (right click on Purchase List) the values of all Comments fields (Header & Doc. lines) are transferred to the respective fields of the Purchase Doc.
Financial Data/ Screen Form design
Error message "Argument out of range" fixed. It occurred upon Screen Form design at Trading parties' Financial Data.
Matched/Cleared Doc. Analysis (Avg. Days to Pay) - Customer List
Error fixed upon clicking on Customer List from "Matched/Cleared Doc. Analysis (Avg. Days to Pay) related job when the date period has not been defined. The dates are now properly updated based on the current month values.