Features added / modified
General function, data for the current calculated fund
Added general function, which returns data for the current calculated fund.
PBX Monitor
Radical changes in communication between SoftOne and PbxMonitor. IMPORTANT! After the update, you should test if the file PbxMonitor has been updated (date 28/02/2011) because the old version is incompatible with the current version of SoftOne.
In the configuration, the option to initialize the server its removed. If the name of the server is declared, the application decides whether and when to be initialized (similar behavior with the "If there is no detection of a line")
Taxis page
The electronic submission of the F1 form is available.
(Greek legislation)
QlikView Scenarios
1. From the version 500 and onwards, the QV scenarios are common.
2. Added information of the cost on the chart of the items.
Taxis Page
Adapting a new way for the electronic submission of forms on Taxis Net.gr. Concerns F1-F2-E3.
Taxis page
Adapting new procedure for the electronic submission of forms on Taxis Net.gr.Concerns the E5 form.
People data (Company)
At People data (from companies) was added the "occupation areas" field. In the working hours printout, appearing in priority the data (Safety Technician, Doctor, etc.) of the first occupation area or branch login or by profession.
Year-end statement
Added a new Year-end statement form for all categories. (Greek legislation)
Payroll data
Added to payroll data of the employees, an edit type of company branches.
Monthly Inventory report
Added as filter the Accounting category of goods which operates also in totals for both active and inactive goods.
Change remittance documents
When changing the value of a line to a remittance, the previous matchings are deleted. Please note that the deletion will be made automatically without viewing any message.
The type SOFORMULA3 at the table FUNDLNS was changed to meet the configuration of Payroll (OAED programs).
Search code with Lot
Added on the Search Code the search option by "Lots code" On the line of document the first inventory item and the corresponding lot-based code will be returned.
Monthly inventory statement
Added the filter (Imports-Exports) or (Purchases-Sales) in monthly statements of Inventory, including those by code correlation. By selecting the filter (Imports-Exports) shows the quantities and values of imports and exports, as the printout practiced until today and if selected (Purchases-Sales) it will include only quantities and values of Purchases and Sales respectively. By this way inter-company quantities can be excluded and of other transactions too.
Related files in Production module
The related files have been added to the documents of production.
Season as a filter in job: Generate EAN codes
Added season as a filter in the job: Generate EAN codes
SAREMA DI50/EJ as cash mashine & fiscal printer
Support of SAREMA DI50/EJ
as a cash machine and fiscal printer.
E5 and special rates
Application on E5 Form of special reduced rates which are used for example in borderlands.(Greek legislation)
E3 and Indicative VAT calculation
Indicative VAT calculation dispute arising from the difference between gross revenue compared to revenue from books.(Greek Legislation)
E3 and electronical submission
Harmonization of sumbition of E3 form fields in the online computer system at the taxis net. (Greek legislation)
Accounting Statements
The new form F.01.010 of the year 2011 is integrated. (Greek legislation)
Vat 9%
Has been incorporated all functionalities for submitting documents with 9% vat.(Bulgarian legislation)
Bug fixing
Balance check for Negotiable instruments
Added at the parameters of negotiable instruments, a parameter whether the balance of the negotiable instrument will be checked. The default value is set to 'Yes'.
Problem when rposting dates
Corrected conversion error during the input of dates in a new Call.
When a document is posted and its code is manually entered the system has to display a warning message in case the same code exists for the same trading regardless any other criteria.
The fiscal year is not checked when the Bulgarian specifications are activated.
Update field [entry date] in GL articles
Did not update the time of the field [entry date] in accounting enties when the record was created by 'copy from buffer' option.
Export to 2010 Ms Office
When exporting to excel Office 2010 from the transactions browser (eg sales documents) the date fields are displayed as integer from the excel.
Detailed list of income (Income control reports) in oracle, standalone environment
An error message would appear "SXNETPROFIT: Type mismatch for field 'MTRTYPE&', expecting: SmallInt actual: Float".
Trial Balance
It did not print correctly the blank lines at the bottom of the page if the corresponding parameter was selected in design of the print.
Transfer contacts with an xxf file.
Could not transfer contact records with an xxf file.
Horizontal analysis is Sales Statistics
The horizontal analysis based on payment type of the document , did not work, in the sales statistics.
Opening balance book (correlation code per warehouse)
It did not update the cost price in the Opening balance book (correlation code per warehouse).
EFK expense in documents
The nominal value of the reversal document was not properly updated.
Massive printing of documents
After a number of records, a message appeared "Out of memory while expanding memory stream" and did not finish printing.
Printing in fiscal printer
An error Message would appear "Warning: A problem found with printer Driver".
Wrong value in supplier currency
In reconciliation of suppliers / suppliers, the value of the suppliers currency (TNETAMNT, TTRNVALUE) for the supplier, from the header of the document, was not calculated at the TR ex. rate, creating problems in matching.
Issue in touch retail
After completing 9-10 item lines on the screen of Touch Retail, a problem appeared on the view.
Pricing policies without 'To date' and scaling per qty
There was a problem in search of values in the cache of pricing policies. So they did not work correctly, scaling in quantity and discount application.
Update finpayterms with Exchange differences
The application created finpayterms also for the documents of exchange differences.
Participation of VAT in the cost
Was configured to affect only goods and not lines of services or fixed assets.
Cancel update of accounting entries
Following the cancellation of accounting update, the financial data of the Cost accounting did not update. The problem was solved by re-updating the transactions.
Change Data of Cost Centers
The application allowed the change of the cost centers on an already calculated payroll without the related message been shown.
Decimal of values ??in the selection of contract from documents
Decimal of values would appear instead of decimal of prices.
Report forms designed from Crystal report
On document forms, when Crystal reports have been designed with sql commands, the parameters did not work correctly on the final query.
Shortage orders job
During selection of warehouse in the section 'Data of generated documents', a message 'Invalid column name whouse' would appear.
Retail_Payment In Advance_Multiple Selection
The multiple selection of advance payments did not work correctly.
Document conversion - Expenses
If an expense is parameterized to Follow VAT line and apply Charges on lines then during conversion, once the option Transfer expenses is selected, the net value of the final document contained the value of the expense.
Traders aggregators (fiscal year)
The calculation of the average Balance ageing of the fiscal year was based on the total balance of the trading party (and not just the outstanding debt of the fiscal year).
Error message in special transactions
Upon the entry of a document of special transactions with manual series, an error message would appear when moving from the field 'code', if the company had the Taxation Laws for Bulgaria.
Wrong value in foreign currency in cash account card
The value in foreign currency did not update correctly in financial transactions, arising from the suppliers remmitances.
Availability of Lots
In case of a reserved Lot, the availability of Lots did not appear correct by right clicking on the documents lines.
Retail document
Updated the driver of HITEC458 so it supports successive discounts in the same line (aggregate (value) in one).
Design of views
Fixed issues that arise when designing views. 1. By deleting all tabs in a designed view, an error message would appear. 2. If a new tab was added, including fields and then specific tabs were deleted (eg Basics and Contact tabs on Customers file), in this new tab, fields from another tab would appear that were not added by the user.
On / off functionality and touch items
The item groups, mtrtouch, during the synchronization of the local database, did not update.
Paste from clipboard, post of a new document which contains items with S/N
During the paste from clipboard if the item was entered before the entry of the serial number, the option of the serial number did not fill the appropriate table with the serial number of the line.
Crystal reports
The message 'Invalid index' would appear on Crystal reports with subreport.
QlikView Cash flow
Executing the Qlik View scenarion of Cash flow, at cheque analysis on the transactions of Cheques receivable, the column of Payments was updated instead of the column of Collections.
Trial Balance
If the extra table 2 of the accounts was added as a filter on the printout of Trial Balance the message "ACNCHEMA is not a valid integer value" would appear uppon the selection of the filter.
Automatic conversion with automatic manual collection
If in a series the automatic conversion to another series was applied which it also had an automatic pay-off with a manual series, the message "You have not completed the code of the document" would appear.
Qlik view and Oracle
The update on Oracle databases did not work.
Advance Payment in Retail documents
In Retail module, the selection of only one advanced payment was not possible.
During matching of a customer reconciliation, the open value (ointment) remained non-matched
During the deletion of matching of a customer reconciliation line the optamnt of the related document was not updated.
Retail printing form in Oracle
If the form included the field SALDOC.DUEPAY (Outstanding), an error message would appear.
Error message in calculating payroll
During the payroll calculations with edit on bonus data an error message would appear.
Project Status
At the Menu options, the job [Project Status] was defined as Table processing instead of File processing.
Project categories
At the Menu options, the job [Project categories] was defined as Table processing instead of File processing.
Access Violation in printouts
Under special circumstances, an access violation would appear during the execution of printouts on a client pc.The problem was fixed by restarting the Application Server.
Report :Collections - journals
If the Geografical zone was added as filter an error message would appear ‘SODTYPE is not a valid integer’.
Call centers / PBX monitor
PbxMonitor.exe is corrected.
Sales Qlik view file
The classification in months was not done correctly during the appliance of the relevant filter.
Sales Qlik view file
Scenario change at Qlikview, Sales Analysis to record lines (of documents) for goods - services without calculating cost price.
Calculation of Depreciation
In calculating the depreciation, the application did not take into account, under conditions, the decimal values of the company.
Trading parties financial data
Could not properly calculate the open balance in the financial data of the trading parties.