Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Version 312.510.403(i)

Features added / modified

Grouping Zones - Horizontal analysis - columns restriction
The horizontal analysis arising from grouping zones, can now accommodate up to 100 columns.

Previous customer balance - special transaction forms
In special transactions printout forms have added fields for a previous balance of the trading party.

User defined table in excel-word form
Added the relevant option for excel-word forms in the popup displayed upon right-clicking.

Available SN code
When creating sn on an item having a specific sn code format, there is currently proposal of the next available number based on the mask.

Shortages order
The Order document resulting from the Order of shortages now includes calculated totals.

Shortages Orders for purchases including color, size
In the shortages order for purchases, when the items to be ordered include color, size options there is now opening of the characteristics analysis too.

Selection of sales opportunity within customer
The related Customer jobs now display the Sales opportunities.

Sorting in form pivot
In browsers that we show with form pivot, we can henceforth apply sorting in the numerical fields.

Customer and Supplier Detail Trial Balance printout
In the Customers/Suppliers trial balance printout, we added the filters:
Customers/suppliers without transactions, Customers/suppliers with balance, Inventory in balance form.

Excel Import - First useful line
Field length was increased.

Accounting category of an item in the lines columns
In the documents column design the item accounting category is available. It was added to sales, retail, purchases, inventory.

QlikView version 11 is now supported.

Inventory documents line columns
In the line columns of inventory documents it is now possible to select the item model.

Emails: addition of jobs send - reply - forward- attach.
Email view shows all send - reply - forward - attach jobs.

Fixed asset transaction without an entity!
It is no longer possible to post a fixed asset transaction without an entity.

New report - pivot "Transactions by characteristic" in the General inventory reports
A new report - pivot "Transactions by characteristic" in the General inventory reports was created.

Transactions in local currency
In statistical printouts "Customer analysis per Item" and Supplier analysis per Item" added a filter related to the recording of values (transaction currency - local currency).

Fixed assets depreciation calculation
In the Depreciations calculation (& Depreciations calculations according to I.A.S.) job added a filter for the date according to which the depreciations document is to be posted.

Check the sn quantity for consumables on production documents
Production documents now control consumables with regard to SN quantity.

Pivot Browsers with analysis of percentages on the total
In Pivot that exist in the Browsers support the possibility of analysis of percentages on the total (as in Dashboards).

Transportation means Selector in purchase documents
In purchase documents, field "Transportation means no." is now a selector.

Cheques analysis - cancellations
In "Cards with cheques analysis" of the trading parties added filter "Canceled - Canceling: Yes/No"

Possibility to display by default a signature in emails based on general user settings
Added the ability to display a signature based on general user settings (Parameters-Actions & CRM - Parameters-CRM entries-Parameters per user).

Modify price from ex.rate in purchases
In purchase parameters we added parameter "Convert price from parity" (according to the respective one for the sales)

Branch country different from the central one
If the country of the company branch is different from the one of the central offices, then during customer creation by the branch, the branch country is used.

Cost centers
Added a 2nd description fielda

Supplier reevaluation - Based on valuation
There is no longer available the creation of entries with zero value, if the job is executed again without prior Cancellation.

Filters in Cash Flow
Added filters for deposit bank and cheques status in the Cash Flow display.

Gift list report - documents justification
Added document comments fields in the Gift List (they appear during printout design).

International accounting reports
The following reports were created: Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet and Trial Balance reports in the Financial Accounting reports

Refers to field CUSTOMER.ADDRESS
Increased the number of characters from 50 to 100 for the trading parties "Address" field.

V.A.T. Field Size
Increased the size of VAT field (company, persons, trading parties, cheques, draft entries) to 19 characters.

Cash flow: deposit bank
In Cash flow added the deposit bank filter.

Job for the Creation of services folder
In the "Create services folders" job, for the documents selection added a filter for the calendar period for document posting and the documents' type

Shortages production job
Job "Shortages Production" now generates and Production Orders.

Selection and proposal of lots in production documents
Lots selection mode and lots suggestion were added in the production document types.

"Outstanding Documents" report
In "Outstanding (purchases/sales) document printout" design added fields 'Discount value' and 'price'.

Job copy report form (payment receipt from model company to other companies of the installation)
Added the ability to copy a printout form from a selected company to other companies found in the same database.
This job is available through the browser of the printout form documents of each module.

Copy accountings link to companies
Added the ability to copy an accounting link from a selected company to other companies found in the same database.
This job is available through the browser of the accountings bridge documents of each module.

I.R.S characters
Field I.R.S was increased in characters.

Cheques status in cash flow
In cash flow we added to the filters the status of the securities.

G.L. Trial Balance
On G.L Trial balance the proposed analytical grade is the first which is mandatory for printing the balance.

Alert on modifying print on series
The right to change the option 'Change printed documents' was applied to the user with Administrator rights.

Item picture properties
Added the ability to display item picture properties and size change thereof.

Consumption requirements based on orders including calculation of balance and outstanding raw materials
Printout "Consumption requirements based on orders" co-calculate the balances and outstanding quantities of Raw materials.

Creation of Cheques Factoring module
Creation of Cheques Factoring module

Classification, Grouping, Packing of fields on an Excel printout form
On Excel printout forms added the ability to define ordering fields in the repeated part table .
The field with the hyperlink '{>' indicating the beginning of the repeated part must have been imported to excel prior to the hyperlinks indicating normal fields of the repeated part.

Addition [Continuation] to employees Actions for the Calendar
In employees activity (browser) added Next Action and actions History.
Also added filter "Status" in the Calendar

Cost center dimension in ABC budget
ABC budgets now include the cost center dimension

Expenses budget in cost centers, executives and debit/credit category
In expenses budget added to the dimensions the debit/credit category, the cost center and the executives

Different mode of lot consumption per module
Added the ability to define a different method of lots consumptions per module (sales - production parameters)

Addition of fields/columns in Originating from - Converted to of the documents
In the relevant jobs of the sales - purchases documents and in details "Originating from" - "Converted to" added the code and trade name of the trading party.

SelRecs Parameter
Parameter SelRecs now supports tables in which primary key contains more than 2 fields

Update accounting articles
Cancellation is now performed on the basis of the date of the documents and there is ability to select types.

Remote server and parametric local field
Commands executed by a remote server are now provided the ability to enter filename using parameters (through a local field). The function name must start with ^. I.e.

Second message of automatic synchronization
With the parameter ONLINEUPDATE=1 in the file of connection, it can deactivated and the second message of confirmation of updating of central base with the entries of local offline base.

QlikView 11 support
In version 312.510, the version of QlikView version supported changed to 11.

Document - actions printouts recording
In series added a parameter concerning whether to record the printouts or not. If "Yes" is selected, form printout creates an entry in SOAUDIPRN file, which shows the printout time, the form used and its serial number.

Field 'Document' is available for Purchases
The field 'Document' is available when selecting the 'Transaction Link' in the 'design columns' of Purchases.

Allocation sheets
In Gen. accounts allocation Sheets and Detail. accounts allocation sheets printouts added filter "Detail only active accounts" which displays only the transacting account.

Cash closing
In "Cash Closing" job added the ability to select multiple users (in case there are no shifts).

Cash flow, debit suppliers & credit customers
Cash flow displays both credit customers and debit suppliers.

Field Season in document conversion
During document conversion, field season, which is selected in the document lines, is also transferred.

In project card report, monetary accounts special transactions types must also be available
Project card printout now avails the special transactions document types.

Retail sale document in purchase document
Added the ability to create a purchase document from a retail sale document.

Print documents from mass conversion
In the mass conversion dialog which is executed by the documents browser, added option through which document printout starts - following execution of the conversion job.
In the dialog displayed for printer selection, only system printers can be selected.

On certified Fixed assets reports, we added filter "Next page number"
Added filter "Next page number" in the following Assets printouts: Book of accounts, Book of accounts (altern. deprec.) and I.A.S. reports: Book of accounts.

Date interval in the production costing book
Added the date interval filter in the production costing book, the collective book of production costing and the production costing book with correlation code.

Conversion history
Added in documents the Conversion history option (from Related document jobs).

Improved the speed of prints
Significantly improved the speed in the following prints:
Matched and non Matched documents (customers, suppliers, debtors, creditors)
Market Transaction (customers, suppliers, debtors, creditors)
Pending Documents (purchase, sales, customers, suppliers)
Arrangements purchases and sales
Status of Receipts and Payments
Journals receipts and payments
Outstanding document (customers, suppliers, debtors, creditors)
State of revenues/expenses
Balance of revenues/expenses
Cheques cars
Cheques journal
Services Card
Analytical services balance
Storage book
loans Cards
Banks state

Accounting assets Resolvers
The depreciation and depreciated items accounts became available in accounting links from the depreciation lines.

Zero values in cash machines
In the cash machine codes file there is also transfer of codes with zero values in order to import value from the cashier.

line items in retail.
Double clicking on the display line of retail displays the popup items of the line, such as in the sales documents.

Balance of Lots per W/H
In the report of was given the possibility of horizontal analysis per W/H as in the report of Balances of Items per W/H.

Inactive attributes
It is no longer allowed to turn inactive an item attributes used in active alternative codes.

Customer comparative data
In the financial data of customers, in the comparative data, added two additional fields: one displays the difference between the periods in turnover value, and the other shows the deviation between periods turnover as a percentage.

Alternative Packages (Sorting) - items with attributes
For items that have an analysis in attributes, can now be registered alternative package where is proposed only the quantity (not necessarily to fill the attributes)

Definition of the uniqueness of the new lot code
Added parameter in the general warehouse parameters defining uniqueness when creating new lot codes.

Automatic printing of collection from an Invoice entry
Added parameter for printing a collection in sales and purchases. If 'Yes', it will be printed and cash voucher immediately after the original document. The second printing is not done when the document is printed from a browser or massively.

Discount credits job
The discount credits job may now be performed through the browser (in OBJINFOS.CFG set [SALDOC_BRMENU]
1;Discount credits=CULCTMPCREDIT)

Appearance of dates scaling in credit discount & pricing policies
Appearance of dates scaling in credit discount & pricing policies

Optimization of Search time
If selected, the system parameter "Automatic opening of selectors during typing" then the calculations are made ??by 3 characters and up, also has optimized the speed of searching.

Compare accounts value per period and fiscal year
At the financial data-> In comparative data -> comparison of value per period and fiscal year, is always proposed the debit and credit.

Balance of Suppliers-Customer
Was improved considerably the speed of report Balance of Suppliers-Customer in oracle.

New Lot in Retail Lines
Incorporated in retail the automation which opens new lot in the lines of the document.

Acctg resolver for line Cost Center
Added resolver in accounting links for the use of the account of the cost center found in the line of special transactions.

Bug fixing

Error in the execution of jobs (client/server)
In some jobs (execution of conversions, cancellation of revenue and expenses update) including a dialogue with mandatory filters which were not completed, an error occurred in client-server environment.

Report design
In Report design the name of the module changed in Tab: Report Definition. The correction refers to new designs only.

During the action 'copy from last' an error appeared stating that it was not possible to record the new user and it was not possible to delete entries in "Operations" tab.

Strict numbering in offline mode
In offline mode, in documents with strict numbering, when it became deletion of the document, was not corrected the numbering for the next document.

Credit control check with query in client/server mode
Fixed a problem related to the transfer of messages from SERVER to CLIENT, when running a batch job that creates other object causing the creation of messages, i.e. in the mass document conversion with Credit control check with query

Empty file in the transmission of a word form over email
During the transmission of a word form through email and when using word formatting, the attached file was empty.

Document update re-updates the prices by color, size
Following the conversion of a document using supplier price, on which there has been modification of the price per supplier for the item, the values per characteristic were changed on the lines.

Crystal form on azure
On crystal forms on azure environment, Greek characters do not display correctly.

Deletion of warehouse
Following the deletion of all documents related to a warehouse, it was not possible to delete the warehouse.

Required fields in Open report
If on an Open print a filter was defined as required, import to the design was forbidden.

Cancellation documents, VIES
At Vies-intra Community purchases, was incorrectly calculated the values of the cancellation documents.

Create item from hyperlink
In documents and following efforts to create a new item from a hyperlink, and following cancellation, the error message Selector record not found! was displayed. (Table = ITEM, KeyValue = 0).

Selected line in the print preview
In print preview the selected line was not highlighted but the one right below did.

Labels on document series
It is no longer possible to select a form label in a document series.

Qlikview sales analysis
When executing the QV Sales Analysis from client and results grouping, a blank line displayed in the totals.

Debits/Credits set
Applied a change so that inactive debit/credit is not
retrieved from the set.

Qlik View filters -'Sales Analysis'
On a client / server installation filters of Qlik View-'Sales Analysis' did not function correctly.

Crystal and oracle free reports
Crystal and oracle open reports displayed error 'Invalid index'.

Notepad messages in Oracle
In Oracle, when 'Sent'-> user was selected on Notepad an error message appeared.

Delete chart of accounts
When deleting a chart of accounts an error message displayed. Upon re-execution, the job completed normally.

Two designs in an open report
In an open report consisting of two designed ones, a print text line appeared when the designed reports were swapped.

Inherited Table in Database View
Enabled option Inherited Table in Database View in Database Designer (as well as in tables).

Dimensions from purchase to sale
During conversion of a purchase document with dimensions to a sales document, the dimensions were not transferred.

Production costing book
The production costing book report in oracle displayed an error: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000.

E-mailing of excel 2007 forms
When sending an e-mail containing a document with an excel 2007 form the excel file appeared empty.

Right-click selecting inactive customer
It is no longer allowed to post a document by means of displaying an inactive customer, nor this is displayed in subsequent options by right clicking.

Unsettled documents of trading parties
Following indirect customer posting on a document and search for outstanding documents, an access violation was displayed.

Fixed asset purchase
During posting a fixed asset purchase from purchases, when the same asset entity code was entered again on a second line and such line was then deleted, an error displayed stating that the entity code already exists.

During the offline process of creating the local database from cstinfo only dbversion entry is returned.
This problem is caused by incorrect data in one entry in the cstinfo table. Specifically, there is an entry where column 'NAME', is empty. In order to locate problematic entries, it is possible to use query
select * from cstinfo where name is null
In order to fix this issue, it is possible to use query
update cstinfo set name=cstname where name is null
It is scheduled for this problem to be automatically corrected in future synchronizations.

Current lots balance
In report dialog "Current Lot balances", upon right-clicking to call the codes from the memory an error displayed, ole error the column prefix 'A'does not match with a table name or alias name used in this query'
or 'The multi-part identifier A.MTRL could not be bound'.

Delete company
Company deletion job did not complete correctly.

Wrong display of data on project transactions (Header)
In project transactions (Header) from customer remittance with a project in the header and the lines, the value displayed both from the lines and the Header with Positive and Negative sign, creating thus zero result.

Function GLAgedRemain
Function GLAgedRemain did not return any results.

Total forecasts value
The total forecast value of the costing folder did not update correctly.

Serial numbering in the items transactions view
Increased the size of serial numbering of the grid in the items transactions view

Cash flow
The removal of "Customer/supplier/creditors payment terms" from the cash flow caused incorrect calculation of the totals "brought forward".

CRM Users
Fixed CRM users management

Contract from related document jobs
The lines of the contract selected from the related jobs of a sales document, presented with wrong customer redirection.

Oracle and Offline database
When the central database is on oracle, file export for the creation of offline database did not complete.

During automatic creation of accountings account through trading party posting, the free fields of the account tables are locked.
During automatic creation of accountings account through trading party posting, the free fields of the account tables were locked and could not be used.

Change of series of ccc fields.
Following posting of a custom table, the display order of ccc fields created in the table was changed.

InsDate in Soemail
There was no default value in the field InsDate of Object Soemail.

Cash closing: Undo
After calculating the cash, transfer of actual count to counting and actions undo, an error displayed.

Issued with reversal document
In the reissue of document with reversal, was not printing the Cancellation document with all the forms stated.

Attributes analysis in items transactions
Attributes analysis by means of right-clicking on items transactions through related item jobs, operates correctly.

Local fields in search browsers
Search browsers with local field display error messages.

Remote server-Export File
When executing file creation job from remote server, the file is always created (empty when there are no entries).

Email server connection and remote server
During remote server operation, a disconnection with the email server occurred which did not reset automatically.

Orders shortages
The document created by the execution of the job 'Order shortages' did not display the value field in the lines of the document and the total were nil.

Purchases history
Enabled column 'Lot' in purchases history.

Zero quantities in a attributes analysis
It is no longer allowed to import non-existent attributes in alternative item codes.

Synchronization of database through xdt
When creating a new database from xdt a synchronization error was displayed.

Search by '?'
The search using code mask in a specific location and symbol "?" did not work properly.

Company image in landscape
The printout of the company's image in landscape format resulted to a blank page.

Fixed asset module branch
An intallation that has not purchased branches received the message "you must fill in the branch" when registering an asset module.

Warehouse Reupdate and Latest purchase value
Upon reupdating the warehouse for one warehouse, the last purchase value was calculated correctly, but if reupdate was applied to all codes, the calculation was wrong.

Credits with escalation per net value
If in a credit discount rule it was set in a field to escalate per net value, the calculation of the discount credit returned the error message 'Invalid column name LNETLINEVAL'.

MAXOPNDAYS in the credit checks rules
Function MAXOPNDAYS in credit checks calculates the days of pending documents only if the customer has a debit balance.

Aging calculation
In some cases, there was miscalculation of aging customer balances.

Line VAT with excise tax and municipal tax
In documents with 2 expenses (excise tax and municipal tax), there was miscalculation of the line VAT value.

New folder in classic menu
The files created in the menu and do not contain any job, are now saved correctly.

Year with 4 digits
The date entry did not accept 4-digit year inputs.

Message in a form with runsql
An error message appeared in the printout of a form with local fields containing runsql.

Suggested price of questions in open reports
If were declared proposed price in the questions of an open report, it only functioned at the first implementation, and if became effort of saving the design again, was presented message Control '' has not parent window.

Outstanding Customer Documents
If was excecuting the printing 'Outstanding Customer Documents' with selection based od: Settlement date - securities, was wrongly applied the sorting regarding dates.

Securities Transactions
Was presented the error 'Field “cheque” not found' in the cheques Transactions from relative jobs.

Way of consumption of lot in receipts of production
In production document that consumed items monitored in lots, during the posting of the document, the lot was filled (fifo) while in the type of document was declared mode "From user".

Field VAT in printing forms
When printing with a report form the field description VAT: MTRLINES.VAT_VAT_NAME, it was presented with question marks.

Action continued from crm calendar
During the follow-up action to the calendar of CRM access violation occured in crm.bpl

Not application of filters in printings html view
In printing with form “html view”, the redesign of filters was not applied.

Intrastat XML file - Header total different than the lines total
In the Intrastat XML file the Header total was different than the lines total.
(Bulgarian Localization)

Update physical inventory
Under certain circumstances, appeared great delay at job for updating the physical inventory

Soft1 MAPS Parse error
An error message would appear at job "show map" in the customers browser.

Change field using enter
In sales document after selecting the series and enter, went to the field type instead of the date.

Message for remote execution at the browsers
The wrong message would appear for remote execution at the browsers

Field UOM1 in report form
In internal report form, the field MTRLINES.MTRL_MTRL_MTRUNIT1 printed question marks

Aging of customer balances per salesperson
Differences appear in the result of the customers browser' Aging of customer balances per salesperson " and the report Balance aging. Fixed function CusAgedRemain.

Matched documents
In report 'Matched documents' was not taken into account the parameter to print only matched documents.

Print document in .pdf file
Did not work properly the print of a document to a pdf file.

First useful line in excel import
Imports did not propose value 1 for the first useful line and an 'ole error' message would appear

Classic menu - Cache
The Classic menu was not available for selection in the card of the user.

Error ID =1
Not completed the entries that participated tables with record ID that equals to 1.

Analysis of production documents
In the printing 'Document analysis' of production did not function the filter of types for specific items.

Update physical stocktaking
Was not correctly updated the balance of items when updating physical stocktaking.

On Off. Update local database - deleting records
Added the parameter $ MERGEDELETED = 1 in the section of the .ini file on the master files. Once activated before synchronizing the file is checked the existence of the documents at the offline database.

html view in designed reports
The designed reports, in html view, only the first page loaded

Lot balance per W/H
Inconsistency appeared in the balance of lots per W/H between the financial data and selection of the items file

Suppliers - Alternative codes
Excluded the alternative supplier codes from the 'copy from last' to the posting of item.

Credit controls in Client-Server mode
Did not display the warning messages from the Credit Control in a Client-Server mode

Add document to preselections
Error message: ''cannot insert Null into solist", would appear in Oracle db if the user added a document to preselections

Filters in designed reports
In the filters of a designed report which have been linked with editor, appeared error upon selection.

Value of receipts in calculating commission
During the execution of job for calculating commissions is taken into account and the value of cash accounts thus calculated wrong the value of the receipts.

Balance in accounting transactions
In case no specific dates were defined in accounting transactions view, an error message would appear.

Balance per W/h - FIFO
For companies having Fifo as valuation method, the Inventory report : Balance per W/h did not show any result upon execution.

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