Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Version 5.00.518.11134

Features added / modified

Meetings in outlook office 365
When saving a meeting in Soft1 CRM with participants, outlook office 365 is now on updated.

Item grouping based on an hierarchy
When grouping a browser with a table in which a hierarchy has been created, every level of the hierarchy appears by choosing the first one.

Production orders (Replace set with composite items)
An error that occurred when transferring a document with items sets to a production order, has been fixed.

Quantity configuration based on the number of SN
In documents, in case the lines' quantity is different than the Serial Numbers, a relevant message appears.

Bonus cards in groups of companies
In groups of companies, the column "company" has been added in the customer's bonus cards, so that the card can be available in the selected companies.

Serial Numbers - Composition documents
In composition documents, the serial numbers' numbering did not appear in the relevant popup when asked to fill out the items' serial numbers.

Unpaid Documents
The document's branch has been added in the trading parties' "unpaid documents" job.

Item VAT (MTRL.VAT) in a document's lines
The item's VAT is now available in a sales/purchases document's lines.

Special Contracts
In documents, the contract can now be selected, regardless of the customer's branch.

Bug fixing

Message when saving a document - Azure
Fixed error occurred (series not found) in some cases in Azure installations, during a document's saving.

General Report Parameters - Users rights
When selecting "Apply settings to existing Reports", from system settings, users rights that had been set in reports, had gone.

Project market transaction
The items / services grid, did not appear properly at the project market transaction.

Application and Mega Menu
In Series 5, when 'Mega Menu' was enabled from system settings and some of the login user's jobs were in a folder, these jobs didn't display.

Custom title in a browser
In the Series 5 UI, in the case where the title of a browser was set through a local field, the name of the local field was shown.

Grouping with a local field
In the projects statements, the projects grouping was not executed correctly, when having a local field with the field "Start".

Item's name in a printout form - Group of Companies
Fixed error occurred with the assets name, which is a company element. The field MTRLINES.MTRL_MTRL_NAME must return the description that corresponds to the document's company.

Aging Balances - Analysis Type "Weeks"
Fixed error occurred in aging balances, where some columns from the balance aging areas didn't appear, and therefore customers aging balances didn't appear properly.

Create Group of Companies
Fixed error occurred when creating a group of companies with "Copy Parameters" copy mode.

Error on Oracle execution
Fixed error occurred at the execution of the "Cost of Goods sold - Accounting entries" job, on Oracle.

Intrastat transaction behavior in other transactions
In other transactions documents, the intrastat transaction behavior was not updated correctly based on the type.

Full Copy Company
Fixed error occurred when full copying company, and the stock management parameter "Automatic Line Analysis" was set as 'Yes'.

Recalculation with prices per C/S
The price / discount recalculation from the relative jobs of the documents that use wholesale price, didn't update the changes in the wholeprice table of the item.

Customer statements with branches
In the "Statements" report from the customers module, the brought forward balances did not appear, in case the name of the branch was given as a filter.

Physical Inventory document and stock item with lot
Fixed error occurred when selecting an item's lot, in a physical inventory document.

Open-item (Unpaid)
In the Open-item (Unpaid) job in the trading parties' related jobs, the "Save" button was not being activated.

Cancellation form printing
Fixed error occurred when reprinting a cancellation document in fiscal device, with a printout form which contains the field ''saldoc.iscopy''.

Installment invoices issue
When executing the "Installment invoices issue" job, installment invoices were not created, in the case where the date was 31/12.

Memory table in groups of companies
In groups of companies, records in memory tables such as "customer groups" appeared in every company.

Credit Card Installment
In some cases, the creation of the credit card's installments from the collection documents, was wrong.

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