Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Version 5.00.519.11219

Features added / modified

Factoring - Concession field
A field named "Concession" has been added to the data grid of job "Assign Invoices to a Factor".

Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty) - Multiple selection of WH
In "Physical Inventory Documents (zero qty)" job, you are allowed to select multiple warehouses so as to generate the respective documents per W/H.

Stock Balance per W.H (Vertical Analysis)
A new report named "Stock Balance per W/H (Vertical Analysis)" has been added to the Stock Management menu in order to show the balances in vertical layout/analysis.

Bug fixing

Excel Import - ORACLE error
Error upon "Import from excel" job at a Date column (ORACLE) has been fixed.

C/A closing scenario - acctg. entries generated
Upon running "Accounting Closing entries" job using a "C/A closing scenario" the respective acctg. entries are now generated.

Abstract error in Ms-Excel import
"Abstract error" appearing upon running the "ExcelImport" command has been fixed.

Synchronize with Office 365
An error fixed upon automatic entries import in office 365. The Series of calendars should be different from those of Tasks.

Login upon outprocess procedure
Error upon login with outprocess procedure has been fixed.

"Description 2" field as a selector
At Soft1 Document lines the "Description 2" field functions as a selector too.

User Settings-Insert on/Last updated fields
At User settings, Core operations tab, the "Insert on/Last updated" fields are activated.

Automatic data import - Payroll module
At "Automatic data import" job, the length of the field "Include employees with lay off date" is longer now so as to fit the date.

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