Features added / modified
Transfer to Sales/ Purchases Documents - Maintain discounts
The flag "Maintain Discounts" has been added at "Transfer to Sales/ Purchases Documents" related job which is available from the Sales Docs Browsers/ Lists.
Collections Report/ Payments Statistics - Wire Transfers
At "Collections Report" (CNF_GET_STM) and "Payments Statistics" (CNF_PAY_STM) reports, the Wire Transfers Docs are now displayed.
Screen Form Design/ Sort Fields at Grid
At Series 5 UI, you are now allowed to sort fields based on the selected field (Sort Fields button).
Docs Convert/ Tranfer - Update of Item Mass
The items' mass is now transferred upon transferring/ converting Documents, e.g. Sales Docs to Purchases Docs. This occurs when the mass was not included in the initial document but added afterwards.
Current Balances report/ Field length
At "Current Stock Balances" report, the "Description" field accepts now 35 characters.
Conditional Formatting- Browsers/ Screen Forms/ Doc Columns
"Conditional formatting" has been added to Browsers/ Lists, Screen Forms and Docs Column Design.
Reupdate Outstanding Stock Quantities/ Service Folders
At "Reupdate Outstanding Stock Quantities" (RMREUPDATE) job (Tools menu), the Module "Service folder" has been added.
Leave days calculation/ Holidays
The Holidays defined/ recorded at "Holiday Calendars" (HOLIDAYJRNL) are now exempted from the calculation of the paid days of leave. (except for illness & pregnancy cases).
Create New Fiscal Year (Mass Import) job/ New filter
At "Create New Fiscal Year (Mass Import)" (InsertFiscprd) job, the filter "CoA Schema" has been added in order to maintain the same Schema, of each company, at next new Fiscal Year too.
Retail/ Wholesale - Bonus card search
The "Bonus card search" option has been added to Default Screen of Sales (Retail & Wholesale). Search by customer's mobile phone no. is now available too.
Exclude advanced payments/ Fifo Open-item Calculation
The user can now match the Advance Payments (Docs) with Collections Docs via FINDOCS fields. Also the Advance Payments Docs can be matched with Wire Transfers Docs via FINDOCREF fields. The "Advance Payment of Order" flag has been added at DocOpen-item related job.The "Exclude advanced payments" flag has been also added in "Fifo Open-item Calculation" job.
Fixed Assets Docs/ VAT and UoM
The VAT and the UoM added at Fixed Assets Doc lines (ASSDOC), will not affect the fixed asset itself when as a monitoring method has been selected the parameter "Fixed Assets one to one with entity".
Default printer per Workstation
You are now allowed to set a Default printer per workstation. At Workstations, the following fields have been added:
1. "Document printer" to define a default printer per workstation.
2. "Replace other printers" to inform the system, that regardless of the printer set at Doc Series, the valid printer will be the one set at the Workstation.
Trading Parties/
The table "Locked Transactions"(TRDBLOCK) has been added (Jobs menu > Commercial Mgmt > Trading Parties). You can set per Trading Party and Module, which Behaviors (Doc Types) should be locked. A prohibitory message will be displayed.
Item correlation code/ New field
The field "Item correlation code" has been added to "Budgeting", "Credit Notes Rules" and "Pricing Policies Rules".
CRM Sales opp./ Wholesale & Retail Series
At Sales Opportunities (CRM params), the user is allowed to select various suggested/ default Doc Series (Wholesale & Retail).
Picking-Packing/ Docs Behavior - New fields
The following Behaviors have been added to Sales Doc Types: 204 (Picking), 205 (Packing). At the same time, at Sales Docs Browsers/ List, the red fields have been added:
PICKING - "Converted into Picking"
PACKING - "Converted into Packing"
Route Description/ Field length
The characters of the "Description" (NAME) field at "Route" (ROUTING) table, have been increased from 50 to 128.
Stock Mgmt Params/ Technical code
At Stock Mgmt parameters, the Technical code has been added as a Search by (code).
Imports Costing report/ New filters
At "Imports Costing" report, the item's "Code" & "Description" filters have been added.
Create external file/ Accounting based on Commercial Documents
At Creating external files "Accounting based on Commercial Documents" job (ExportBatchGL), the filter "Export the already updated" entries has been added. It concerns any type of file (File type).
Use of Spreadsheet parameter
If the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter has been activated at Users Parameters the headers of columns (A,B,C etc) are properly displayed. The lines height is now 15.
Customer Params/ Data per BU
At Customer Parameters and Customer Related jobs, the user is allowed to fill in a different salesperson and payment method per BU.
Trading parties/ New field "Remarks"
The field "Remarks" (SUPBANKACC.REMARKS) has been added to IBAN selector, when the field participates at wire transfer columns design.
Accounting Dept e-Mail/ Field length
At Customers' Accounting tab, the field "Accounting Dept e-Mail" accepts now 128 characters.
Hierarchies/ Departments
You are now allowed to set "Hierarchy" at company's Departments.
Hierarchies/ Job positions
Hierarchies added at Job Positions. The Job position should belong to employee's department.
Account Type field (Cyprus Localization)
The "Account Type" field, is now auto updated based on the G.L. Account Code. (Cyprus Localization)
Doc Conversion/ New field
At "Only items with balance" field, at Conversion process pop up window, the option "Update Qty based on balance" has been added. In that case, if the item's quantity on the Doc line is greater than the item's balance, then the item's balance qty will be included in the final Doc.
Timeline (Installation)
The Installation Timeline is now properly updated when right-clicking on the installation (Send Email).
Job Calendar/ Weekends and Holidays Color Matrix
The Job Calendar (WRKHOURSCALEDAR), is now displayed in grey colour. Both weekends and holidays, of the login branch, are saved in the holiday calendar are excluded . The user should activate the "Holiday Colour Matrix" parameter at Employees Parameters.
Commissions/ Debtors Collections
When running "Calculate Commissions" (CalcPrsnCommission) job, the results of the report include also Debtors Collections.
ABC Transactions/ New Field
At Activity Based Costing, the field/ filter "Company" (COMPANY) is now available.
Fast Report 6.4 version
The latest 6.4 version of Fast Report is now supported in Soft1.
Organization Unit/ Hierarchy
When using Multiselect at a Hierarchy (Organization Unit), the user is now allowed to Select/Deselect the whole tree structure (drop-down list).
Check VIES related job (Romanian Localization)
At Trading Parties, the "Check VIES" Related job has been added. This job performs T.R.No check from the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vatRequest.html
Production Orders/ renamed to Prod. Order Folder
The Production Orders (PRDORDDOC) have been renamed to "Prod. Order Folder".
VAT/ Countries/ Currencies - Multilingual
The multilingual description has been added to VAT, Countries, Currencies. A calculated field has been added to Sales, Purchases, Retail & Inventory Docs that displays the description of items/ services at user's language.
Code auto-numbering/ Seminar Cycle
At HR Module, when posting a new Seminar Cycle, by typing an asterisk at "Code" field, the next S/N is automatically given.
2-factor Authentication
The 2-factor authentication is now available either with "OTP over SMS" or " OTP over Authenticator app" (Google, Microsoft etc).
Conversion of Doc - Carrrier, Route and Transp. Means
Upon conversion of Docs the user can now sort by Carrier, Route and Transport Means.
Service folders/ History
At Service Folders >Conversions history the Doc which created the Service Folder is now properly displayed.
Inventory Docs/ Lots
The option "Create - Select Lots" has been added to Inventory Doc upon right-clicking on the lines.
Create/ Cancel Physical Inventory Documents- WH filter
The W/H has been added as a filter to both "Create Physical Inventory Documents" & "Cancel Physical Inventory Documents" jobs.
ANAF/ T.R.No check (Romanian Localization)
Using the "Check T.R.No" related job, the user can now check/validate the T.R.No of a new Trading Party without previously having saved the entry (Romanian Localization).
ATTACHDIR command/ e-mail
You can now create an e-mail with javascript code by using the ''ATTACHDIR'' command through CreateModule without using a form.
Consumption Qty/ % Waste (BOM lines)
When transferring a Document to a Production Document or Production Order "Consumption Qty" parameter has been added including the following values: "Fixed based on BOM" & "Adjust based on % waste (BOM lines)".
Comments2/ Sales-Purchases Docs
Upon Transferring a Sales Doc to Purchases one and vice versa, the information found at Comments 2 (ITELINES.COMMENTS2) is transferred too.
BU reports/ Salesperson Code From/To
At "Statements per Business Unit", "Aging Balances per Business Unit" and "Unpaid Documents per Business Unit" reports, the "Salesperson Code From/To" filter has been added.
Bug fixing
Customers Statement/ Cancelled by Reversal/ Cancellations Docs filter
At Customers Statement report, the filter "Cancelled by Reversal/ Cancellations Docs" is now properly working. If the user checks "No" the Docs related to Cash transactions (Collections, Payments etc), are properly displayed.
Data flow rules (Romanian installation)
Having Romanian Localization setup, the "Error reading _1.Data: Stream read error" message fixed which occurred upon editing/modifying a Data flow rule.
DataBase View/ Selector Fields
The default size of the selector fields is now properly displayed through Database View. (Soft1 Classic edition).
Printout Forms (External Word)/Stock Item image
At Printout Forms (External Word) the image of the Items is now properly printed.
Jobs/ Automatic opening at login
If the "Automatic opening at login" is checked at Job parameters, the job can be executed if it is included in folder too.
Doc. Uses/ Copy from buffer
Upon "copy from buffer" process the information found at both tabs , Items & Services, is properly updated. That is in case the parameter "Doc uses" at Doc Type is set up for both Items & Services.
Group of Companies schema/ CusBalance function
At a Group of Companies schema/ model, when using the CusBalance function the proper results are now displayed.
Retail Printout form (Internal use)
At a Retail Printout form (Internal use) the background image is now properly printed.
Payroll years-periods/ Copy from buffer
The user is now allowed to enter a new Payroll year-period with copy from buffer process. Error has been fixed.
Cost Price Calculation (ITECALCCOST) (Romanian Installation)
Having Romanian Localization setup, the SALESCVAL field is now properly updated at Sales Documents.
Projects/ Modify Tasks
Error message upon modifying the Project Tasks fixed.
Service Folders/ Delivery Date field
At Service Folders, the Delivery Date (DELIVDATE) field is now available at Browser design.
HR Payroll Parameters/ Number of paid employees
At HR & Payroll Parameters the new parameter "Check if the number of paid employees is exceeded: No, Yes (Once), Yes (Always)" has been added.
Inserted by user on date/ MS-Excel form
Upon printing a List in MS-Excel form the time at "Inserted by user on date" field is now properly displayed if the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter has been activated at Users Parameters.
Pricing Policies/ Customer Branch Prefecture
Error fixed in Pricing Policies Rules Data, when having setup the "Customer Branch Prefecture" as one of the Conditions.
Screen Forms/ Set as Default
At Series 5 UI, upon right-clicking to "Set As Default" a Screen Form for specific Group of Users , is now working properly.
Seminar Cycles/ Dates
A proper check is performed regarding the date sequence (from/to) when saving a new Seminar Cycle. A respective message is displayed if the date sequence is wrong.
Organization Unit/ Job Description
At Organization Unit, besides the Manager's full name, the job description is also displayed.
Data per Business Unit/Copy Company
Error message "Selector record not found (PRSNIN= )" has been fixed. It occurred at Customers "Data per Business Unit" in case the Company has been created using the "Copy Company" job.
Last Payroll calculation analysis
Developed LOCALPAYTRACE parameter which shows the last Payroll calculation analysis.
User rights/ Branch Series
User having "Free access to all Companies" had access to all Doc. Series even if no Series has been setup in "Access to Series in Other Branches" tab.
ATTACHDIR command/ File attachment
When using the ''ATTACHDIR'' command in javascript to attach file e-mail at SOEMAIL object the "1.html" is displayed.
Insurance Funds
Fixed error message upon filling in the form of Insurance Funds at Employee Screen Form.
Composition Docs/ SN
At Series 5 UI, at Composition Docs, the selector including the available Serial Numbers is now working properly.
ANAF/ T.R.No check (Romanian Localization)
Checking the T.R.No through the ANAF web service, is now properly performed. The correct date is displayed.
Retail Sales/ Credit Card
At Retail Sales, the cards' grid is now properly updated in case the payment method is modified (different card).
Items Detailed Trial Balance per W/H - Items with balance
At "Items Detailed Trial Balance per W/H" report, the items with balance are now properly displayed.
Serial Numbers/ Change W/H
Upon changing Warehouse at a Doc including Items monitored by S/N, the SN availability check per WH is now properly performed.
Physical Inventory Doc/ CDIMMTRLN table
The CDIMMTRLN table is now properly updated upon saving a Physical Inventory Doc.
Pricing Policies/ Recalculation
The Pricing Policies are working properly regarding the Item and empty containers when the recalculation of the document is selected.
Β.Α.Μ. scenario/ Escalation
The B.A.M. scenario process with escalation is now properly completed.
Import script
The import scripts are now properly saved in databases with nvarchar fields.
Suppliers Other Transactions/ Doc. Columns design
At Suppliers Other Transactions, the Doc. Columns design through Doc Types, is working/ displayed properly.
Transfer to Sales/ Purchases Documents - Maintain discounts
The flag "Maintain Discounts" has been added at "Transfer to Sales/ Purchases Documents" related job which is available from the Sales Docs Browsers/ Lists.
Collections Report/ Payments Statistics - Wire Transfers
At "Collections Report" (CNF_GET_STM) and "Payments Statistics" (CNF_PAY_STM) reports, the Wire Transfers Docs are now displayed.
Screen Form Design/ Sort Fields at Grid
At Series 5 UI, you are now allowed to sort fields based on the selected field (Sort Fields button).
Docs Convert/ Tranfer - Update of Item Mass
The items' mass is now transferred upon transferring/ converting Documents, e.g. Sales Docs to Purchases Docs. This occurs when the mass was not included in the initial document but added afterwards.
Current Balances report/ Field length
At "Current Stock Balances" report, the "Description" field accepts now 35 characters.
Conditional Formatting- Browsers/ Screen Forms/ Doc Columns
"Conditional formatting" has been added to Browsers/ Lists, Screen Forms and Docs Column Design.
Reupdate Outstanding Stock Quantities/ Service Folders
At "Reupdate Outstanding Stock Quantities" (RMREUPDATE) job (Tools menu), the Module "Service folder" has been added.
Leave days calculation/ Holidays
The Holidays defined/ recorded at "Holiday Calendars" (HOLIDAYJRNL) are now exempted from the calculation of the paid days of leave. (except for illness & pregnancy cases).
Create New Fiscal Year (Mass Import) job/ New filter
At "Create New Fiscal Year (Mass Import)" (InsertFiscprd) job, the filter "CoA Schema" has been added in order to maintain the same Schema, of each company, at next new Fiscal Year too.
Retail/ Wholesale - Bonus card search
The "Bonus card search" option has been added to Default Screen of Sales (Retail & Wholesale). Search by customer's mobile phone no. is now available too.
Exclude advanced payments/ Fifo Open-item Calculation
The user can now match the Advance Payments (Docs) with Collections Docs via FINDOCS fields. Also the Advance Payments Docs can be matched with Wire Transfers Docs via FINDOCREF fields. The "Advance Payment of Order" flag has been added at DocOpen-item related job.The "Exclude advanced payments" flag has been also added in "Fifo Open-item Calculation" job.
Fixed Assets Docs/ VAT and UoM
The VAT and the UoM added at Fixed Assets Doc lines (ASSDOC), will not affect the fixed asset itself when as a monitoring method has been selected the parameter "Fixed Assets one to one with entity".
Default printer per Workstation
You are now allowed to set a Default printer per workstation. At Workstations, the following fields have been added:
1. "Document printer" to define a default printer per workstation.
2. "Replace other printers" to inform the system, that regardless of the printer set at Doc Series, the valid printer will be the one set at the Workstation.
Trading Parties/
The table "Locked Transactions"(TRDBLOCK) has been added (Jobs menu > Commercial Mgmt > Trading Parties). You can set per Trading Party and Module, which Behaviors (Doc Types) should be locked. A prohibitory message will be displayed.
Item correlation code/ New field
The field "Item correlation code" has been added to "Budgeting", "Credit Notes Rules" and "Pricing Policies Rules".
CRM Sales opp./ Wholesale & Retail Series
At Sales Opportunities (CRM params), the user is allowed to select various suggested/ default Doc Series (Wholesale & Retail).
Picking-Packing/ Docs Behavior - New fields
The following Behaviors have been added to Sales Doc Types: 204 (Picking), 205 (Packing). At the same time, at Sales Docs Browsers/ List, the red fields have been added:
PICKING - "Converted into Picking"
PACKING - "Converted into Packing"
Route Description/ Field length
The characters of the "Description" (NAME) field at "Route" (ROUTING) table, have been increased from 50 to 128.
Stock Mgmt Params/ Technical code
At Stock Mgmt parameters, the Technical code has been added as a Search by (code).
Imports Costing report/ New filters
At "Imports Costing" report, the item's "Code" & "Description" filters have been added.
Create external file/ Accounting based on Commercial Documents
At Creating external files "Accounting based on Commercial Documents" job (ExportBatchGL), the filter "Export the already updated" entries has been added. It concerns any type of file (File type).
Use of Spreadsheet parameter
If the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter has been activated at Users Parameters the headers of columns (A,B,C etc) are properly displayed. The lines height is now 15.
Customer Params/ Data per BU
At Customer Parameters and Customer Related jobs, the user is allowed to fill in a different salesperson and payment method per BU.
Trading parties/ New field "Remarks"
The field "Remarks" (SUPBANKACC.REMARKS) has been added to IBAN selector, when the field participates at wire transfer columns design.
Accounting Dept e-Mail/ Field length
At Customers' Accounting tab, the field "Accounting Dept e-Mail" accepts now 128 characters.
Hierarchies/ Departments
You are now allowed to set "Hierarchy" at company's Departments.
Hierarchies/ Job positions
Hierarchies added at Job Positions. The Job position should belong to employee's department.
Account Type field (Cyprus Localization)
The "Account Type" field, is now auto updated based on the G.L. Account Code. (Cyprus Localization)
Doc Conversion/ New field
At "Only items with balance" field, at Conversion process pop up window, the option "Update Qty based on balance" has been added. In that case, if the item's quantity on the Doc line is greater than the item's balance, then the item's balance qty will be included in the final Doc.
Timeline (Installation)
The Installation Timeline is now properly updated when right-clicking on the installation (Send Email).
Job Calendar/ Weekends and Holidays Color Matrix
The Job Calendar (WRKHOURSCALEDAR), is now displayed in grey colour. Both weekends and holidays, of the login branch, are saved in the holiday calendar are excluded . The user should activate the "Holiday Colour Matrix" parameter at Employees Parameters.
Commissions/ Debtors Collections
When running "Calculate Commissions" (CalcPrsnCommission) job, the results of the report include also Debtors Collections.
ABC Transactions/ New Field
At Activity Based Costing, the field/ filter "Company" (COMPANY) is now available.
Fast Report 6.4 version
The latest 6.4 version of Fast Report is now supported in Soft1.
Organization Unit/ Hierarchy
When using Multiselect at a Hierarchy (Organization Unit), the user is now allowed to Select/Deselect the whole tree structure (drop-down list).
Check VIES related job (Romanian Localization)
At Trading Parties, the "Check VIES" Related job has been added. This job performs T.R.No check from the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vatRequest.html
Production Orders/ renamed to Prod. Order Folder
The Production Orders (PRDORDDOC) have been renamed to "Prod. Order Folder".
VAT/ Countries/ Currencies - Multilingual
The multilingual description has been added to VAT, Countries, Currencies. A calculated field has been added to Sales, Purchases, Retail & Inventory Docs that displays the description of items/ services at user's language.
Code auto-numbering/ Seminar Cycle
At HR Module, when posting a new Seminar Cycle, by typing an asterisk at "Code" field, the next S/N is automatically given.
2-factor Authentication
The 2-factor authentication is now available either with "OTP over SMS" or " OTP over Authenticator app" (Google, Microsoft etc).
Conversion of Doc - Carrrier, Route and Transp. Means
Upon conversion of Docs the user can now sort by Carrier, Route and Transport Means.
Service folders/ History
At Service Folders >Conversions history the Doc which created the Service Folder is now properly displayed.
Inventory Docs/ Lots
The option "Create - Select Lots" has been added to Inventory Doc upon right-clicking on the lines.
Create/ Cancel Physical Inventory Documents- WH filter
The W/H has been added as a filter to both "Create Physical Inventory Documents" & "Cancel Physical Inventory Documents" jobs.
ANAF/ T.R.No check (Romanian Localization)
Using the "Check T.R.No" related job, the user can now check/validate the T.R.No of a new Trading Party without previously having saved the entry (Romanian Localization).
ATTACHDIR command/ e-mail
You can now create an e-mail with javascript code by using the ''ATTACHDIR'' command through CreateModule without using a form.
Consumption Qty/ % Waste (BOM lines)
When transferring a Document to a Production Document or Production Order "Consumption Qty" parameter has been added including the following values: "Fixed based on BOM" & "Adjust based on % waste (BOM lines)".
Comments2/ Sales-Purchases Docs
Upon Transferring a Sales Doc to Purchases one and vice versa, the information found at Comments 2 (ITELINES.COMMENTS2) is transferred too.
BU reports/ Salesperson Code From/To
At "Statements per Business Unit", "Aging Balances per Business Unit" and "Unpaid Documents per Business Unit" reports, the "Salesperson Code From/To" filter has been added.
Bug fixing
Customers Statement/ Cancelled by Reversal/ Cancellations Docs filter
At Customers Statement report, the filter "Cancelled by Reversal/ Cancellations Docs" is now properly working. If the user checks "No" the Docs related to Cash transactions (Collections, Payments etc), are properly displayed.
Data flow rules (Romanian installation)
Having Romanian Localization setup, the "Error reading _1.Data: Stream read error" message fixed which occurred upon editing/modifying a Data flow rule.
DataBase View/ Selector Fields
The default size of the selector fields is now properly displayed through Database View. (Soft1 Classic edition).
Printout Forms (External Word)/Stock Item image
At Printout Forms (External Word) the image of the Items is now properly printed.
Jobs/ Automatic opening at login
If the "Automatic opening at login" is checked at Job parameters, the job can be executed if it is included in folder too.
Doc. Uses/ Copy from buffer
Upon "copy from buffer" process the information found at both tabs , Items & Services, is properly updated. That is in case the parameter "Doc uses" at Doc Type is set up for both Items & Services.
Group of Companies schema/ CusBalance function
At a Group of Companies schema/ model, when using the CusBalance function the proper results are now displayed.
Retail Printout form (Internal use)
At a Retail Printout form (Internal use) the background image is now properly printed.
Payroll years-periods/ Copy from buffer
The user is now allowed to enter a new Payroll year-period with copy from buffer process. Error has been fixed.
Cost Price Calculation (ITECALCCOST) (Romanian Installation)
Having Romanian Localization setup, the SALESCVAL field is now properly updated at Sales Documents.
Projects/ Modify Tasks
Error message upon modifying the Project Tasks fixed.
Service Folders/ Delivery Date field
At Service Folders, the Delivery Date (DELIVDATE) field is now available at Browser design.
HR Payroll Parameters/ Number of paid employees
At HR & Payroll Parameters the new parameter "Check if the number of paid employees is exceeded: No, Yes (Once), Yes (Always)" has been added.
Inserted by user on date/ MS-Excel form
Upon printing a List in MS-Excel form the time at "Inserted by user on date" field is now properly displayed if the "Use of Spreadsheet" parameter has been activated at Users Parameters.
Pricing Policies/ Customer Branch Prefecture
Error fixed in Pricing Policies Rules Data, when having setup the "Customer Branch Prefecture" as one of the Conditions.
Screen Forms/ Set as Default
At Series 5 UI, upon right-clicking to "Set As Default" a Screen Form for specific Group of Users , is now working properly.
Seminar Cycles/ Dates
A proper check is performed regarding the date sequence (from/to) when saving a new Seminar Cycle. A respective message is displayed if the date sequence is wrong.
Organization Unit/ Job Description
At Organization Unit, besides the Manager's full name, the job description is also displayed.
Data per Business Unit/Copy Company
Error message "Selector record not found (PRSNIN= )" has been fixed. It occurred at Customers "Data per Business Unit" in case the Company has been created using the "Copy Company" job.
Last Payroll calculation analysis
Developed LOCALPAYTRACE parameter which shows the last Payroll calculation analysis.
User rights/ Branch Series
User having "Free access to all Companies" had access to all Doc. Series even if no Series has been setup in "Access to Series in Other Branches" tab.
ATTACHDIR command/ File attachment
When using the ''ATTACHDIR'' command in javascript to attach file e-mail at SOEMAIL object the "1.html" is displayed.
Insurance Funds
Fixed error message upon filling in the form of Insurance Funds at Employee Screen Form.
Composition Docs/ SN
At Series 5 UI, at Composition Docs, the selector including the available Serial Numbers is now working properly.
ANAF/ T.R.No check (Romanian Localization)
Checking the T.R.No through the ANAF web service, is now properly performed. The correct date is displayed.
Retail Sales/ Credit Card
At Retail Sales, the cards' grid is now properly updated in case the payment method is modified (different card).
Items Detailed Trial Balance per W/H - Items with balance
At "Items Detailed Trial Balance per W/H" report, the items with balance are now properly displayed.
Serial Numbers/ Change W/H
Upon changing Warehouse at a Doc including Items monitored by S/N, the SN availability check per WH is now properly performed.
Physical Inventory Doc/ CDIMMTRLN table
The CDIMMTRLN table is now properly updated upon saving a Physical Inventory Doc.
Pricing Policies/ Recalculation
The Pricing Policies are working properly regarding the Item and empty containers when the recalculation of the document is selected.
Β.Α.Μ. scenario/ Escalation
The B.A.M. scenario process with escalation is now properly completed.
Import script
The import scripts are now properly saved in databases with nvarchar fields.
Suppliers Other Transactions/ Doc. Columns design
At Suppliers Other Transactions, the Doc. Columns design through Doc Types, is working/ displayed properly.
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