Features added / modified
20190507-1155-1-1417Copy to companies/ Update sales prices
In two or more companies having set the "Search by: Main code" parameter (Copy to companies area), the user can now select the "Update the sales prices" related job either from Browser's related jobs or from menu's. The Items should have common codification for job's proper operation.
Retail Pro/ Fonts
At Retail Pro, you can now change the fonts through S1 Retail Designer.
BAM HTTP Request/ Field length
The length of characters at Body field of BAM HTTP Request (Memo) has been increased.
S1 Retail Designer/ Re-issue by cancelling with reversal
At S1 Retail Designer, the "Re-issue by cancelling with reversal" operation has now been added.
Retail Pro/ Collection-Payment with credit card
At Retail Pro, the collection/ payment with credit card option has now been added.
Retail Pro/ Export List
At Retail Pro, you can now export a Browser/ List.
Cash registers/ (Bulgarian installations)
At installations of Bulgarian specifications, when performing indirect pay off, the Document's cash register is suggested. Whereas, when performing pay off from collections the workstation's cash register is suggested.
Soft1 BAM/ SMS (Turkish characters)
You can now send SMS using Soft1 BAM tool in Turkish characters.
Job Calendar/ New filters
At Job Calendar, two new filters have been added:
1. "Employee Code, From/ To". It filters according the employees' code.
2. "Employees". It is a multi select field where all employees are inlcuded or those selected from Browser.
It can filter all employees displaying only the selected. If any change is applied at the rest of the fields, it updated too. It accepts 4000 characters.
Docs Type/ SN Mandatory Use
At Documents with SN Type: Quotation/Order, no check of mandatory use of Item's SN, is performed.
Bug fixing
Batch Modification of Period Data
Fixed the issue at Series 5 UI, upon Batch Modification of Period Data(PRDVALMASSDELETE) job. Performing copy from excel and paste from clipboard is now working properly.
Azure installations/ Remote execution
Fixed the issue "System Error code 1411. Class does not exist". It occurred at Azure installations upon selecting remote execution at a default report.
BAM/ Turkish characters
Fixed the issue where at BAM scenario the Turkish characters were not properly displayed.
Fixed Assets Documents/ Copy from buffer
Fixed the issue at Series 5 IU, upon "copy from buffer" process at Fixed Assets Documents.
Retail Pro/ Inactive Item
Fixed the issue where at Soft1 Retail Pro the inactive could be saved at lines.
Inventory Statistics/ Debits-Credits categories
Fixed the issue at Inventory Statistics(VITESTATS) report. It occurred when having added the "Type of Material" & "Commercial Category" fields. The debits/credits categories are now properly displayed.
Project transactions/ Balance brought fwd filter
The balances are no longer displayed in case the "Balance brought fwd" filter at Project trasactions Questions area is deactivated.
S1 Scripts/ New functions
At S1 Scripts, the following functions have been added:
1. CreateTextCodepage
2. OpenTextCodepage
These functions accept the file's codepage as a second definition. The CreateText & OpenText functions remain as they are due to compatibility reasons with older scripts.
Docs/ New lines
Fixed the issue where under certain circumstanes the Docs lines were not properly updated, upon changing line.
Series 5 UI/ Browser with editable field
Fixed the issue "Control'' has no parent window" at Series 5 UI. It occurred at a Browser/ List with editable field having previously activated the "Master-Detail tree view" parameter (System settings).
BAM/ Email
Fixed the issue upon sending email with BAM scenario from Tasks. The characters are now properly displayed both in subject and body of the email.
2008 UI/ Browser design
Fixed the issue where at 2008 UI, having previously set the CUSTOM=0 function at an object, the user could design a Browser/ List (add / remove a column).
New Customer/ Acc. Category
Fixed the issue upon selecting "Accounting category" when creating a new Customer. It occurred when having previously activated the "Create account" parameter.
Browser filters/ Excel file
The filters of a field with editor are now properly printed in excel file.
Physical Inventory Documents (zero quantity) job
The Physical Inventory Documents (zero quantity)[MtrZeroNatBalance] job includes Items with positive & negative inventory quantities (even with zero transactions within fiscal year) and zero (0) Item balance.
Items/ Available Serial Numbers
Fixed the issue when selecting the Available Serial Numbers related job. It occurred in case a Serial Number had more than 20 characters. The Documents are now properly displayed at grid.
Series 5 UI/ Custom Screen Form
At Series 5 UI, fixed the issue occurring on a custom Screen Form.
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