Thursday, October 29, 2020

Version 5.00.521.11411

Features added / modified

Purchase Documents Type/ New values
At the Purchase Documents Type, "Commercial Data" tab the following values regarding the alternative code, have been added at "Use price" field:
1. Wholesale
2. Retail

Group of Companies/ Company filter
At Group of Companies schema/ model, the "T.R.No." field has been added, at browsers including the "Company" filter (RELCOMPANY).

Outstanding Sales Orders report/ New filters
At "Outstanding Sales Orders" report (PEND_FIN), the following filters have been added:
1. Groups
2. Business unit
3. Comm Category
4. Acctg Category
5. Manufacturer
6. Season.

Working hours in xxf file
Exporting/ importing "Working hours" along with "Working time" models as .xxf files, is now available.

Bug fixing

Export Company data/ file name
Upon running jobs such as "Export Company data" (acmd:acCutCompanyData), the file name is now properly displayed.

IBAN check (Romanian Localization)
IBAN check is now properly working. (Romanian Localization)

Group of Companies schema/ Lots balance
Fixed the issue where at Group of Companies schema/ model, lots balance of a child company was displayed.

Users/ Documents for User approval
The "Documents for User approval" (UserProcs) regarding User with approval rights, is now properly working.

X.FORM/ Advanced Javascript Editor
"X.FORM" command is now properly working at "ON_FORMLOAD" event.

Docs conversion/ Maintain VAT Status parameter
The parameter "Maintain VAT Status", upon converting a new Document, is now properly working.

Special transactions/ Instalments recalculation
The instalments could not be recalculated at the "Special transactions" module upon deleting an Instalments Document.

Retail Pro/ Stock Items description
At Retail Pro, the Stock Items description is now fully displayed.

Retail Pro/ Gift Receipt
At Retail Pro, upon creating a Gift Receipt, the Stock items of the Document are now properly updated.

Series 5 UI/ Documents - Delete Origin column
At 2008 UI, the "Origin" column (ITELINES.FINDOCS), at Doc item lines, cannot be deleted anymore.

Series 5 UI/ Documents - Add Origin column
At Series 5 UI, fixed the issue where the user could not add the Doc's "Origin" column at item line.

AGROS/ Docs data (Farmacon)
Fixed the issue occurring at Agros, after updating Doc's data by Farmacon.

Collections/ New cheque
Upon creating a new cheque through Collections, the Cash Account is now properly filled in, whether the data have been completed through the cheque body or the lines.

Printout forms/ Clear Form after data entry parameter
Fixed the issue "TEMPLATES: Dataset not in edit or insert mode". It occurred upon saving Printout forms, having previously activated the "Clear Form after data entry" parameter (System settings).

Series 5 UI/ Grouped Browser - Auto-numbering
At Series 5 UI, auto-numbering is now properly displayed at a grouped Browser/ List.

Designed Screen Form/ Read only option
Fixed the issue where at a designed Screen Form, if the "read only" option is applied to any field, then it affects the custom (CCC) field as well. (E.g.: CUSTOMER.REMARKS/ CCCCUSTOMER.REMARKS)

Contracts/ Designed Screen Form
Setting the "*" as the default value (automatic codification) is now properly working at Contracts designed Screen Form when creating a new entry for Contract.

CRM calls/ Delete Docs
At 2008 UI, fixed the issue "System error! Please send the error report to Softone. Access violation at address 02A9EDB3 in module 'XDll.dll'. Read of address 00000000 Error type: EAccessViolation". It occurred upon deleting Documents (CRM Calls).

BOM/ Replenishment - Supply tab
At 2008 UI, the "ΒΟΜ" field οn the "Replenishment/ Supply" tab, is now displayed.


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