Friday, January 29, 2021

Version 5.00.521.11422

Features added / modified

Screen Forms/ "Deadline" field
The "Deadline" field has been added at the default Screen Forms for the following objects:
- General Actions,
- Calls,
- E-mails,
- Meetings,
- Tasks,
- Service tickets.

Contracts/ Create Installment invoices
Upon running "Create Installment invoices" job (CreditCntrInterest), the "Comments" column (Contracts, "Contracts/ Installments" tab) is now updated, based on the comments of the Sales Document lines.

CRM/ Customer Replies printout forms
Customer Replies Printout Forms (CRMCUSNAIRE) are now available.

HR objects - xxf. export/ import
The following HR objects can now be exported/ imported through xxf. files:
1) Duties,
2) Seminars,
3) Seminar Cycles,
4) Employees Benefit packages.
Condition: All previous objects should be included in your Installation SN.

Payroll/ Employees workcenters and positions
Employees's Browsers/ Lists can now be expanded by "Employees workcenters and positions" (PRSWRKCENTER) through Design List > "Define Modules" tab.

Payroll/ Employees list (Date Range)
Employees's Browsers/ Lists can now be expanded by "Date Range" (EMPSPECIALDATES) through Design List > Modules tab.

Inventory Statistics/ Field editors
At Inventory Statistics (VITESTATS), the editors of the following fields, are now properly displayed:
- Acctg Category
- Comm Category
- Geographical Area
- Prof. category
- Payment method
- Agreement
- Group of expenses
- Trading Parties Credit Control.

HR/ Salary data
At "Employee data" report (HR_REPORT), the "Salary data" field has been added. Can be be used for custom Employee Leaves calculation.

Retail Pro/ Browser Fast report
At Retail Pro, Browsers/ Lists can now be printed using Fast report.

Romanian Trial Balance
"Balance sign same as cumulative value sign" filter has been added in Trial Balance for companies with Romania localisation.

Bug fixing

CRM/ Series per Branch
Fixed the "Posting new entry is now allowed. Branch already exists" issue. It occurred upon selecting the Doc. Series per Branch at CRM Parameters.

Windows Scheduler/ Import script
Fixed the issue which occurred upon running an Import script using Windows Scheduler.

Attached files/ Cloud Storage URL
Filed linked to Cloud storage URL are now properly saved at Attached files.

HR/ Create evaluations job
'Series' redirection is now properly working at "Create evaluations" job.

Purchase Documents/ Intrastat value
Intrastat value, upon Purchase Doc conversion, is now properly calculated when 'Auto Calculate' has been setup for 'Intrastat value - Check' parameter at Doc Type.

Documents Browser/ Attach to message
The 'Attach to message' job (right click at Documents Browser), is now properly working.

Other Transactions Doc/ Costing Folders
Upon selecting a Costing folder from Document's Related jobs, before saving the Doc, the values entered are now properly updated.

Documents based on shortage/ requirements (Production)
Fixed the issue, at 'Documents based on shortage/ requirements' job (DRESTPRD), where Items with zero (0) balance appeared if specific filters were selected.

User Access Rights/ Fast Report Preview
You can now set up Access Rights to 'Fast Report Preview' job (DSBFASTPRV), through 'User Access Rights' tool.

Group of Companies Schema/ Create Installment invoices
Fixed the issue which occurred upon running the 'Create Installment invoices' job (CreditCntrInterest) for a Group of Companies Schema/ Model. The login Company is now taken into account.

OutProcess procedure/ Document saving
Error upon saving Document with OutProcess procedure has been fixed.

Create Physical Inventory Doc - W/H filter
At 2008 UI, the 'W/H' filter is now displayed at 'Create Physical Inventory Documents' job (MtrNatBalance).

Purchase Order Plan/ Inactive items
Fixed the issue where under certain circumstances, inactive Items appeared at 'Purchase Order Plan' job. It occurred even if the 'Status' field was set to 'Active'.

Payoff/ Payment terms
Upon deleting a Payment Document (via Payoff related job), you can now change the Payment method.

Document Conversion/ Maintain expenses
Upon Documents' Conversion job the 'Expenses' are now properly transferred to the converted Document. An issue occurred when 'Maintain expenses' option was selected during conversion and the Doc. had zero value.

Stock Items/ Custom Screen Form
Fixed the 'System error! Please send the error report to Softone' issue. It occurred at Series 5 UI, upon using a custom Stock Items Screen Form that included a memo field.

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