Friday, April 16, 2021

Version 5.00.521.11427

Features added / modified

Sales Forecasting & Forecasts - W/H
The 'W/H' field has now been added at 'Sales Forecasting' and 'Sales Forecasts' jobs.

Trading Parties Data per Company/ New fields
The 'Root' and 'Carrier' fields have now been added at Trading Parties Data per Company.

Evaluation/ Status field
The 'Status' field ('HRCUSNAIRE' object) is now updated right after an evaluation is saved or canceled.

Salesperson Commission/ Inactive scenario
The 'Delete Inactive Commission' job [DelPrsnCommition] has now been added, so as to delete Salesperson Commissions with inactive scenario/ rule.

List of expenses/ New fields
At HR, 'List of expenses' object, the following have now been added:
1. Approval workflow scenario
2. Expenses posting.

Create Physical Inventory Documents/ Insert Date
The time of running the 'Create Physical Inventory Documents' job (MtrNatBalance) determines the value of the 'Insert Date, INSDATE' field.

Create Discount Credit Notes
Improved the execution time for 'Create Discount Credit Notes' job at Credit Notes Calculation Results (Temporary Credit Notes).

HR/ Print form (Questions incl.)
The 'Print form (Questions incl.) job has now been added at Employees Browser/ List upon using right-click.

Payroll/ Cost centers reports
The General Totals of all Cost Centers are now displayed at the end of Cost centers (summary) [EMPL_COST_CNTR] and Cost centers (detailed) [EMPL_COST_CNTR_AN] Reports.

HR/ New evaluation filters
At Evaluations default Browser/ Lists, the following filters have now been added:
1. Person Evaluated.
2. Cycle.
3. Evaluation model.
4. Start.
5. End.

Candidates/ Municipal Community
The Municipal Community [COMMUNITIESM] field is now available for Candidates [PRSNCANDIDATE].

Purchase History/ Value incl. discounts and expenses
Αt 'Purchase History' Related job the 'Value incl. discounts and expenses' filter has now been added accepting the following values:
1. Value incl. discounts and expenses (Invoice)
2. Value incl. discounts and expenses (Invoice-Cost. Folder).

Assign Cheques to a Factor/ New flag
At 'Assign Cheques to a Factor' [ChqsAssignment] job the 'Set Assignment on lines' flag has now been added.

Sales opportunities/ Copy offer
At Sales opportunities, upon copying an offer (Quotation grid) the remarks are now properly transferred to the new quotation.

Configured column captions/ Fields displayed
The captions are now properly displayed upon adding a user-defined table at the Menu (e.g. Job Type: Table Processing, Command: $TRDEXTRA).

Purchase Doc Types/ Empty containers & Discount
The 'Empty containers & Discount' field has now been added at Commercial data of Purchase Doc Types (as in Sales Doc) with the following values:
1. Add as Doc.Discount - Don't Allocate Value in lines
2. Add as Doc.Discount - Allocate Value in lines
3. No Doc.Discount Nor Allocation

Email/ Template fields
'Name' and 'Subject' are now properly displayed upon selecting Soft1 Templates at email.

HR Evaluations/ Status field
The 'Status' field (HR Evaluations) is now properly updated.

Item Lines Analysis/ Doc editing
Doc editing is now available for Browser/ Lists configured to display Item Lines Analysis.

Contracts/ Relevant Document job
Upon selecting 'Relevant Document' Related Job through Contracts, the 'COMMENTS' and 'COMMENTS1' fields are now transferred to the new Doc.

HR/ Multilingual fields
At HR, the following fields are now multilingual:
2. Tax Office (IRSDATA.NAME).

Bug fixing

Customer Contact Info/ Web Page
Fixed the 'Interface not Supported' issue. It occurred upon selecting the 'Web Page' hyperlink at Customer Contact Info.

Sales Doc Types/ Modify in a different fiscal year
The following values have been added at Sales Doc Types, 'Modify in a different fiscal year' parameter:
1. Yes
2. No
3. Yes, checking Date Limits.

Job Schedule Payroll/ Printing time
Job Schedule Payroll report (WRK_HOURS_CAL) is now performed in shorter time.

Accounting Entries/ Change of line
Fixed the 'System error! Please send the error report to Softone. Access violation at address 50067898 in module 'rtl250.bpl'. Read of address 00000008. Error type: EAccessViolation' issue. It occurred upon changing of line at Accounting Entries, even if the cursor was at the 'VAT' column and the field was empty.

Order Planning job/ Item printing
Items printing through 'Order Planning' job (right click at Sales Document Browser/ List) is now properly working.

Reversal/ Saving Doc
Fixed the issue which occurred upon using 'Reversal' job. If the Doc wasn't saved, then the cancellation Doc was saved instead.

Advanced Printout Forms/ Item Variation (colour)
At Advanced Printout Forms, the Item Variation (colour) is now properly printed through VSETGRPQA table.

Sales opportunities/ Copy Offer
At Sales opportunities upon copying an Offer (Quotation grid) the new Quotation is now properly saved.

Physical Inventory Docs/ Substitution Price
Fixed the 'ITELINES: Field 'X_REPLCURR' not found' issue. It occurred at Physical Inventory Doc Docs upon selecting 'Substitution' at the 'Uses Price' field (Doc Types).

Wholesale & retail prices/ Item variation
The Item variation analysis is now properly displayed in wholesale & retail prices (occurred under certain circumstances).

Composition Doc/ Copy from buffer
Fixed the 'Field FINDOC' cannot be modified' issue. It occurred upon using the 'Copy from buffer' option for a Composition Doc, automatically created from a Sales Doc.

Auto-created Composition Doc/ Item quantity
Fixed the 'Field QTY1 cannot be modified' issue. It occurred upon modifying item quantities in Sales Docs that had automatically created a Composition Docs.

Exporting .cst/ File description
The description of a .cst file is now properly displayed when exporting it (occurred under certain circumstances).

Fixed Assets Audit Report
The Fixed Assets Audit Report [CHKANAL_BOOK] is now properly working.

Purchases Doc lines/ 'Disc. 1' field
Fixed the issue at Purchases Doc, 'Services' tab. The 'Disc. 1' field [DISC1VAL] can now be added to Doc lines (right click).

Other transaction Doc/ Copy from buffer
The Currency is now properly transferred upon using the 'Copy from buffer' option for Other transaction Docs.

Service Folder/ Serial Number
The S/N is now properly transferred to Doc lines, upon sending a Service Folder to a customer.

Employee Leave/ Holiday calendar
Upon creating a new Employee Leave, the Holiday calendar is now properly displayed/ working.

Group of Companies Schema/ Gift Voucher
Fixed the issue which occurred at a Group of Companies Schema/ Model (except for the main Company), upon redeeming Bonus Card points by getting a Gift Voucher.

Evaluations/ Results
Fixed the issue at Evaluations results. Evaluation steps that had no weight, are now taken into account.

Trial Balance/ Reports
Fixed the issue at Trial Balance designed reports. The proper/ selected columns are now displayed upon printing.

Advanced Printout form/ PDF file name
The name of a PDF file printed through an Advanced Printout form, is now properly displayed.

B.A.M./ New scenario
Fixed the issue which occurred, under certain circumstances, upon saving/ creating a new BAM scenario.

B.A.M./ New step
Fixed the issue which occurred at a new step of a saved B.A.M. scenario, upon right-clicking on it.

B.A.M./ Variables
Fixed the 'System error! Please send the error report to Softone. Access violation at address 50279CFC in module rtl250.bpl. Read of address 00000008. Error type: EAccessViolation' issue. It occurred upon selecting variables with BAM scenario, provided that a new 'Calculation' variable was created. 

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