Features added / modified
Transfer Purchases/ Sales Expenses/ New Series
The Collection / Payment Series have now been added at 'Transfer Purchases/Sales Expenses' job [CrtLinDocs].
S1 Retail Designer - Search buttons
Searching at S1 Retail Pro is now available based on Doc column design, search fields, Sorting and Filtering. Using 'Filter' allows the design of user's own filter.
'FIteAvailableDays' function
The 'FIteAvailableDays' function has been developed. It returns the Item's availability days in W/H.
S1 Retail Pro/ Auto calculation
At S1 Retail Pro, in case of selecting Cash & Credit card payment, the remaining amount to be paid is now automatically calculated.
Report Dates
Both login and system dates are printed on Reports provided that upon Report Design (Define report tab) the Date field is filled in.
SN Journal report / Drill down
At 'SN Journal' report [SLINES_JRNN] Documents can now be displayed upon clicking on Report's lines.
Retail Designer/ Apply Screen Form Series
At S1 Retail Designer, the 'Apply Screen Form Series' flag has now been added at 'Change Series' button.
Search by Tel. 2 column
At Trading Parties designed Browser/List, having been set as default, search using Tel.2 column can now be performed
Documents processing/ Print documents button
'Print documents' button has now been added at 'Documents processing' related job. It becomes available when selecting 'Process: Mass' (Sorting/Grouping area).
Pending, Conversion-Transfer prices
'Transfer prices' has now been added at 'Pending, Conversion' tab (Doc Type).
Coverage of pending/ Document
At Purchases/Sales Docs, the 'Document' field has now been added when selecting 'Coverage of pending' (right-clicking on Doc lines).
Screen Form design/ New fields
At Screen Form Design, the following fields are now available:
1. Service category [MTRMARK]
2. Service subcategory [MTRMODEL].
Bug fixing
Company Overview/ Self-delivery notes
The values of Self-delivery notes are now properly displayed at Company Overview [COMPANYVIEW].
Cash Flow - Inflows/Outflows - Trading Party
At a Group of Companies Schema/Model, the Trading Party can now be selected at Cash Flow - Inflows/Outflows [EXTRACASHFLOW].
User-defined fields/ Employee List
The User-defined fields columns, previously filled in at Employee's card (User-defined fields tab), are now properly displayed at Employees Browser/List.
Reports/ Description filter
Reports are now properly working when setting at 'Description' filter specific characters.
Define user access rights/ Romanian Lang.
Fixed the issue: UPDAPDLINES,BR:1' is not a valid integer value". It occurred upon defining user access rights, having previously selected Romanian language to login to Soft1.
Stock Mgmt Docs/ User-defined fields
Upon changing a field's name at Stock Mgmt Parameters (User fields), the respective field no longer changes at Screen Form design.
Cost Allocation to Production Document
Rounding is now properly working at 'Cost Allocation to Production Documents' job [COSTINPRD]
Re-issue by cancelling with reversal (same Module)
At Sales Parameters (Other tab), the 'Re-issue by cancelling with reversal (same Module)' flag has now been added.
New Employee/ Copy from buffer
At a Group of Companies Schema/Model, upon creating a new Employee using copy from buffer, is now properly working.
Update Sales Prices
Upon running 'Update Sales Prices' job [IteCalcMarkUp] having the following scenario price was not set to zero (0):
1. 'Substitute smaller values' flag activated
2. Current prices and given percentage option selected and
3. Percentage/Value: -100%
Projects transactions Rel. jobs/ Cash Account Transactions
At Project transactions (header) & 'Project transactions (lines) related jobs, Cash Account Transactions are now displayed too.
Purchase order for Fixed Assets/ w/o Entity
Creating a new Purchase order for Fixed Assets, w/o filling in an Entity, is now properly working.
'Soft1 hyperlinks: right to use/ Add column
At Series 5 UI, in case a user has 'Soft1 hyperlinks: right to use at Core operations, can now add a column at grid.
Item variations/ Default values
Default values per item variations (c/s) are now properly working.
Outlook Connector synch
Outlook Connector synchronization is now properly working.
Base UoM/ Merge
At Doc Type, Stock tab when setting 'Similar lines (Items): Merge' and 'Relation to base UoM' field (Stock Items > 'UoM, Alternative Codes' tab) to 'Two-way the first time, base UoM merging is now properly working.
Production Cost Reports
The following Reports retrieve data only from Production Docs having Status: Completed.
1. 'Production Cost Analysis Report' [PRDNCOST_REP],
2. 'Production Cost Report' [SPRDNCOST_REP]
3. 'Production Cost Analysis Report per Correlation Codes' [PRDNCOSTREL_REP]
Stock Docs/ Sort fields
At Stock Docs Screen Form design changes are now properly saved at 'Sort fields' option.
Oracle DB/ Pricing Policies
Error fixed for Oracle DB when a pricing policy has been designed having the following options: Modify price based on rate.
Browsers/ Click to Sort (Data Grid)
Browsers/ Lists columns are now properly displayed when 'Click to Sort (Data Grid)' [System Settings] has been activated.
Actions history/ Graph
At CRM Parameters (CRM Entries tab), when adding fields using 'Details' button, the graph is now properly displayed at Actions history.
Re-issue by cancelling with reversal/ Keyboard shortcut
Having set a keyboard shortcut to run the 'Re-issue by cancelling with reversal' job is now properly working.
Cancelled by Reversal / Cancellation Docs-Financial Transactions (T.C.)
The Cancelled by Reversal / Cancellation Docs are now properly displayed at Customer Financial Transactions (T.C.)
Factoring Documents - Discount commission / fees
The 'Discount commission / fees' is now properly working (Factoring Documents)
Open-Item (Unpaid)/ Calculation
When using 'Open-Item (Unpaid)' related job, calculation on grid is now properly working.
Browser/List - Transaction column
Fixed the issue 'System error! Please send the error report to Softone. Access violation at address 058D9CBC in module 'SOExtBase.bpl'. Read of address 00000098 Error type: EAccessViolation'. It occurred upon saving a Browser/List including the 'Transaction' column.
Production Docs/ Co-products qty
Saving a Production Doc when there is no qty for the Main product is now allowed.
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