Thursday, May 31, 2018

Version 5.00.518.11103

Features added / modified

Services similar lines
The ability to pack similar lines in documents that include services was added.

Cheque number
The cheque number has been added as a filter in the default cheque printouts (reports).

Purchase price in documents
In the "Update sales prices" job, the column "Last purchase price" was added, through the related jobs of the purchase documents.

Attach files in the geographical points
The ability to attach files in the Geographical Points has been added.

Stock Item description
The size of the Field "Description" was increased from 64 to 128 characters.

Production - Credit note from subcontract
The "Production cost (subcontracted)" related job in the trading parties' other documents, updates the cost elements correctly when a credit note is submitted.

Customer Warning in CRM
The warning message that will be submitted in the trading party's tab (field WARNING) will appear in a CRM action when selecting the trading party.

Default browsers per user group
The default windows when it comes to the default browsers and searches, has been rearranged in two Tabs (Default groups and default users), in the new Series 5.

In the MTRSUPPRCS table (information per supplier) the size of the field "WEBPAGE" has been increased to 128 characters.

Not processed production from a production order
In the production parameters, the suggested series and the stage of production were added for the creation of production documents from production orders.

Extra fields in columns design
In documents' columns design, the ability to use user-defined fields from the stock management module has been added.

Related documents in bills of materials
The ability to attach related documents in the bill of materials was added.

Import documents with an xxf file and contracts
When importing documents with an xxf file, the data of contracts are also transferred.

Production orders printouts
In the "Consumption Requirements from Production Orders" report in the production module, the filter "outstanding based on" was added, which includes the values:
1. "Outstanding production orders"
2. "Outstanding production orders + not processed production documents".

Numeric Functions in a grid
An option ,for Total Views in numeric fields , "f" (Average, Count, Min/ Max, Sum) has been added in grids. The totals are shown for the lines that are selected by the user.

SN Tab and SN Journal
In the "SN card & SN Journal" reports, the filters "customer" and "supplier" have been added.

Factory code in negative stock balances
In the "Negative stock balances" & "Negative stock balances per item variation" reports in the stock items module, the factory code has been added as a filter.

Address filling with ZIP selection
When insert a new trading party, in case where the fields Address, City and Prefecture are fullfilled, while selecting a Zip, these fields don't change.

Bug fixing

Open browser with a field filter in a browser
In the Series 5 UI, when selecting a filter by double clicking in the browser, in the field that is to be altered with the open browser, the filter was not taken into consideration.

General actions and duration calculation
The field "duration" was not calculated correctly in the CRM General actions.

Delivery Copy (Copy from buffer)
An error that occured at the copy from buffer of a document with expenses, has been corrected.

Filter in a browser column
In the Series 5 UI, given that a column has been set as a filter, the prices that appeared in a second filter concerned the entire dataset and not the filtered one.

Grouping Senarios with numeric amounts
In some cases, at browsers-reports with grouping senarios with numeric amounts, the results didn't come up right.

Filters and grouping in a browser - New Interface
In Series 5 UI the results don't come up properly, when setting a filter in a browser's column and then grouping.

Expenses in a document
The 4th expense was not calculated in sales documents.

Line discount alteration when inserting serial numbers
In a submitted sales order, when inserting SN, the pricing policies were implemented anew, resulting in an alteration of the existing prices and discounts of the document lines.

Similar Lines - Prohibition in the Type
An error that occured, if the choice "Prohibition" in the field of similar lines was chosen in a document's Type , has been fixed.

ABC Model in document's lines
At document's Activity Based Costing Analysis, the available models don't appear.

Automatic pre-selection from the browser design
In the series 5 UI, the automatic pre-selection from the browser design was not implemented.

S1 designer
In S1 designer, in locked with password objects, during "Cancel" at the password choice, an error used to occur.

Timeline in Sales Opportunities
An error that occured in Sales Opportunities Timeline, in oracle database, has been corrected.

Model Allocation Data
An error occured during the allocation data changing, in ABC Dimension Models, has been fixed.

Customers Other Transaction
In client / server connection, in case of "Reversal" of an other transaction document, saved in previous year, the message "Date exceeds allowed range" is displayed in the current year.

Meeting Form
Text 5 was displayed as Text 01, in the free fields of the meeting default form.

GetOpenFinDocs function
The implementation of the function "GetOpenFinDocs" has changed and now on the first definition must be the company.
e.g.: Ds=CallPublished('FinIdxFunc.GetOpenFinDocs', VarArray(,customer.trdr,0,:x.sys.logindate,0=1, 4));

Production Orders
At a production document creation from orders, the upcoming documents weren't as much as the items that participated in the order.

BOM selection at a production document
The BOMs are not filtered right, at a repeated saving of production documents.

Imports-exports folders
In Series 5 UI, an error that occured when choosing an import or export folder, has been fixed.

Cost Data
In Series 5 UI, an error that occured during the change of cost data by right clicking at the document's line / cost data, has been fixed.

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